
"Imagine, for example, asking your washing machine whether it’s safe to wash a beloved item of clothing on a certain setting—literally, asking it out loud or via an app." Right, now imagine that the generative AI, BECAUSE it's generative AI, gives you an answer that's pure garment-ruining bullshit.
Generative AI Is Coming To Your Home Generative AI is transforming home appliances into smarter, more personalized helpers. GE's app offers AI-generated recipes, while Samsung's tech learns from user habits.
Every instance of this should be read as "they're desperate to come up with as many use-cases for this bullshit as possible before the bubble bursts".
I've been hacked. All my undies gone. This just sold please help me.
Oh god you just know this is going to happen. “Earn tokens with every load!”
I minted an NFT of my lint! Do you think $5 grand is a fair price?
I’m just blueskying here but maybe, you know, people could look at the washing instructions on the label?
But what if... and just bear with me here, what if the instructions on the label were ALSO AI-generated? 🤔
Machine Wash Hot No Water Just Boiling Bleach Boil this Wool Sweater In Bleach Be Sure to Inhale Bleach Fumes
For Extra Softness Add Ammonia
Hey lady, this is the misinformation bot. You want the Racism Bot(tm), you gotta pay Elon eight dollars.
I was wheezing laughing at this for a good fifteen minutes yesterday, and then today I thought of it and laughed again, so thanks for that.
I'm gonna be the guy who says that he wishes those instructions were in a larger type/size, sometimes Not that generative AI would help with that
One of the first things I found myself doing the “take glasses off so I can squint more closely at it” thing was in fact a clothing tag, so I feel this But that’s an issue that bifocals/progressives solve, not AI
Or reading glasses (my solution)
I prefer extremely large 80s-esque frames for correcting my nearsightedness and they’re less compatible with slapping a pair of readers over them as needed
Oh this is a great use case for a magnifying glass which also lets you pretend you're a child detective!
I finally went for prescription readers. If I had to choose between them and my progressives, I'd choose these and just not drive anymore.
I obtained one pair of progressives and gave them a solid week of trying to get used to them and honestly— I will take my glasses off and squint or just straight get bifocals next time.
I actually like the progressive a lot, but so much of my day is spent onscreen or reading that the prescription readers really worked out. I do still take any glasses off for close-up work, though. It's practically a reflex at this point.
Yeah I think I'm just venting my frustrations over the load of laundry I did this week, here in public, on Not really related to AI I admit
Same. I need reading glasses for them
I am legit close to just making a text doc with all my clothing's washing instructions, printing it out, and hanging it in my laundry room
take a picture with your phone and zoom in on it?
sorry, that came out snarkier than intended. i’m irritated by companies desperately trying to get us hooked on this stuff, not by you
Why would the Enlightened Smart Home Owner™️ stoop to anything so pedestrian?
fuck, now I'm thinking of a use case for Smartness Smart Laundry Tag encodes the settings you can wash it on Smart Washing Machine automatically sets it/warns if the wrong thing is in for the setting ...this is very clearly *not* a use case for Large Language Models
I only want this if it also includes an airgap/no wifi connection Because frankly I don’t trust literally any manufacturer to not be tempted by the data brokers waving money at them in exchange for knowing when I wash my delicates or whatever
This is the reason actual smart appliances are not bad thing. We are all just waiting for someone to actually make them.
My car's RFID door lock system is "smart". About half the time when I walk up to the car, it re-locks rather than unlocking for me, and takes several tries to get it to unlock.
all you need is an LLM so it can use complete sentences to tell you it unlocked when it didn't
if "Smart" means internet connected, then that's overkill, since you can just do that with barcodes, like keurig
There’s good money to be made in restoring high quality dumb appliances.
yeah, and you have to make sure the clothes and the washing machine are interoperable like if you have to buy special clothes to do this, you might as well just learn how to wash the clothes
if I want to sell this idea to a VC for $10 million and quit my job I need to work on my pitching skills
It would literally be faster, easier and more accurate if your clothes labels had bar codes and you scanned them at the machine and it told you what could go together. And set the settings.
Oh no that’s way too practical and useful
I do not want my fridge gathering data on me. My phone already does that much more than I like.
I was just researching new ranges and immediately eliminated anything that had incorporated "smart" anything. I'm going to have to pay through the nose for a dumb gas range that won't break or stop working when the wifi's out
Find a failed restaurant auctioning off commercial stoves. That's one option.
When our local Lucky's grocery store folded up shop a couple years ago I got some computer and networking stuff through these auctioneers who handled it all, including food service equipment. There are similar companies around. Worth a look.
Just switched to an induction range and it was difficult to find one that didn't want to be my online buddy It was, of course, the priciest
This is going to be me, soon. The only "smarts" I want in an appliance are self-monitoring for diagnostics and performance tweaking. But that's not "AI," that's good old fashioned algorithms in action.