
Quietly, maybe the shittiest, most despair inducing moment of the debate was Dana Bash asking Biden "Do you support any legal limits on how late a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy?"
I’m turning it over in my head and just not getting anywhere with this. Abortion is health care, a fetus is not a person, people who oppose abortions should not get abortions. I will not yield a centimeter on this. This cannot be a gotcha question.
Yeah, the problem is Biden is uncomfortable with that position and is unable to defend abortion as an issue of women's autonomy. He kept saying doctors should be in charge, FFS. He still wants the party line to be safe, legal, and rare. Fuck that. Women control their bodies. End of position.
hey let's get in the weeds with the gun guys about firing rates & magazine capacities while we're at it
“Do you support any legal limits on how early a woman should die in childbirth because she can’t receive life-saving medical care, Dana?”
“How MANY unborn babies would you say you’re ok with murdering?” “Fair question, Dana, thanks!”
How many would you say you're ok with adopting?
Yeah, this came right after one of the other guy's tirades inferring dems are for taking full term live babies from wombs and just "putting them on the side". So it came like an acknowledgment of the other side's fictions.
Such a horrible framing. Always with the right wing framing.
“The legal limit we had under Roe worked for America. I trust women to make decisions in consultation with their doctors.” If *I* was prepped for this exact question by following pre-debate coverage, Biden was prepped for this question.
"Let me answer your question with a question of my own, Dana: Do you honestly believe people are deliberately getting and staying pregnant for 8 months, 29 days or whatever just for fun? Or because they worship the literal Christian devil and want to offer him human sacrifices? Is that seriously...
...what you believe, you absolute fucking idiots? Or could it *possibly* be that the people 'using abortion as birth control' are doing it ASAP and that the people seeking an abortion in the third trimester are having a fucking emergency and don't deserve to...
...have the government throw arbitrary fucking barriers in between them and their doctors trying to keep them from dying or being grievously wounded due to an insane conspiracy theory that they're actually in perfect health and just trying to sacrifice fetuses to Moloch?"
They treat disingenuous, misleading right-wing talking points as credulous arguments. They always have. It's infuriating.
The whole network should just... shut down. Opening by interviewing a reality-denying Elise Stefanik, then letting one of the participants of the "debate" spend most of his time spitting out the most obvious lies. Whatever integrity was left in there has been obliterated entirely.