
Anyway back on the particular topic it sure seems like the part about how Biden got way worse all of a sudden is what I would probably scrape together if I were a team of four New York Times White House reporters trying to explain how we all got entirely blindsided by the debate
Their MeToo stuff was full of this, reporting that like somebody had two dates that were rude and uncomfortable, said something that an underling interpreted as hostile, and oh yeah sexually assaulted someone else
Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and People who have spent time with President Biden over the last few months or so said the lapses appear to have grown more frequent, more pronounced and, after Thursday’s debate, more worrisome.
I have heard about this article before I read it. I felt really underwhelmed by the specific instances. The timing they specify also lines up with the start of the election campaign. It sounds like an 81 year old, specifically an 81 year old who as a younger man was fantastically talented at gaffes.
probably, and this stmt also came out of a candidate's mouth: "...what happened in city, what happened in this city. so now they used covid to cheat, they used a lot of things..." but that's not the problem either the problem is you had to reread it because it's not clear which one
New York Times 🤣🤣🤣
I don't know that this chart proves what it implies about the uniformly negative coverage of Biden, but I'm tempted to just post it under every NY Times and Washington Post skeet.