
Ugh can someone please give me the tldr on Neil fucking Gaiman while I rewatch The Killing Type music video Amanda Palmer made about him
yes these allegations are real and credible, -yes and- his marriage to Amanda itself was a red flag. I went to one of her spoken word tours with a few friends who have known her personally: she made a racist joke, made jokes at the expense of the people who called her put on the racist joke...
and then tried to lead the crowd in an impromptu session of "forgive your rapist" and was trying to "come on!" everyone who booed and tried to sit it out. We all left vowing to not even play her ass on spotify
like this was part of the show! "everybody get up, we're going to do something". Total Ambush. Other people who saw that tour can probably vouch that those were the general beats. her vibe is *very* much an "anti-woke" "you have to be able to laugh at anything—so here's some fkd up shit!" vibe
Agreed, from everything I've seen and heard from former fans, Amanda is very much a fan of violating people and their boundaries when she finds it convenient for her.
excuse impromptu session of WHAT?????
I was livid: like a big through line of the show was about a very abusive relationship she was in, dovetailed into vague implications of complicity that were honestly already losing the crowd, and finally at the climax of her story, was like, "everybody get up! Who's been assaulted in their life?"
once it became clear what she was trying to reach for SO MANY people sat down SO FAST, some were booing
I was at the Seattle show where VERY FEW people were on her side
Lmao why am I not surprised she has a Substack
I thought Palmer's cancellation came long ago but I guess she's still around. She's generally known as a massive piece of shit around here at least. "Here" being the general PNW music scenes between seattle and portland.
Am I the only one who found the extreme misogyny in his writing deeply troubling? That seemed to indicate him capable of terrible actions.
I'll say -yes but- I was definitely willing to consider it an artifact of his aesthetic and surroundings - former gifted British boy who grew up in, and never out of, the era of long grey trenchcoats and round sunglasses? His output was what i would expect from that demographic, below unique scorn
very much not an excuse, just, like, yeah, of course that would be the output, innocuous personal life or not