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writer based in fort worth, texas. tynanstewart.com
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Literally their main thing is their sacred right to accumulate enough weaponry to overthrow the government.
It's so obvious it's barely worth mentioning, but the right believes political violence and punishing their enemies and violent protest is for them to do to the left, and it is an affront to the natural order if done to them. That's it. The hypocrisy is part of the thrill.
"The prerogatives of running a profitable company in our meat-grinder of a capitalist system will inevitably outweigh the demands of doing good journalism." fortworth.substack.com/p/why-is-the...
Why is the Dallas Morning News public editor?fortworth.substack.com Throwing your reporters under the bus is not gonna save your newsroom.
i posted some new writing today. somehow my city has become the epicenter of the america first movement. but how? and does it even matter? fortworth.substack.com/p/the-americ...
The America First movement has taken root in Fort Worthfortworth.substack.com On the plus side: Their rodeo was sad and lame.
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writers vs. artists???????? the person you're mad at is the publisher
Reposted byAvatar tynan
Please, if you have ever liked my comics and would like to support me in continuing to make them, throw a couple of bucks at my Patreon. I need your help. www.patreon.com/jonrosenberg
Get more from Jonathan Rosenberg on Patreonwww.patreon.com creating Comics
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the kids are alright
projecting an overwhelming hater energy today
this kind of thing makes me feel like i'm losing my mind. the premise of the project is that we can separate "ideas" from the linguistic forms we use to communicate them. but that's delusional!
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The cognitive load you experience while "generating sentences" is what's known in the business as "having ideas"
Reposted byAvatar tynan
A general reminder—periodic cicadas pose no threat to anyone and their plant damage is limited to nipping off the ends of twigs. Please do not hose them with pesticide. They are slow and clumsy and confused and only want to make friends with other cicadas and die of sexual exhaustion.
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Once again struck that we are expected to take some statement by random student as definitive of the aims of pro-Palestianians but are required to discount the explicitly genocidal ravings of an actual Israeli minister as hyperbolic and irrelevant to assessing the aims of the Israeli government
even the scammers are tired and phoning it in at work
Reposted byAvatar tynan
"I need AI to make comics, I can't draw!" Okay, but one of the most popular webcomics of all time was literally just stick figures. Another one is over 4000 strips of the exact same clipart of dinosaurs. You can make a comic. Trust me, it's really not that hard.
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Happy Transgender Day of Visibility and Happy Easter
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I heard a cybertruck referred to as an incel-camino and I'm never not calling it that again
Reposted byAvatar tynan
The d-bags who are trying to take down Alex Norris of Webcomic Name (oh no comics) launched a SECOND lawsuit, I hope as a community we can stand together and show that we won't be pushed around. gofund.me/3ee01d5d
Legal fund for Alex Norrisgofund.me I am Alex Norris, creator of the webcomic Webcomic Name. I am here to ask for he… Alex Norris needs your support for Legal fund for Alex Norris
Reposted byAvatar tynan
Bari Weiss made an entire podcast series pretending to be perplexed about why trans people are upset and disappointed by this woman twitter.com/jk_rowling/s...
Reposted byAvatar tynan
saw a bumper sticker here in texas that said "i don't believe the puppet press" and that was a new turn of phrase for me
Reposted byAvatar tynan
In accepting his Oscar for Zone of Interest, Jonathan Glazer gave a heartfelt speech decrying the cynical exploitation of the Holocaust to perpetuate a cruel occupation through the othering of the defenseless. Unrelatedly, here’s the April cover of the magazine run by a former IDF prison screw.
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things Louisiana just did, all within days: —speed up executions —expand qualified immunity —end mechanisms to release people from prison —move all 17-year olds into adult courts & detention —jail people for technical violations of prob and more...: boltsmag.org/louisiana-sp...
“We’re Going to Be Overwhelmed”: How Louisiana Just Ballooned Its Jail Populationboltsmag.org Louisiana
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Every time a beloved mangaka dies I think about how hard they work, how little they sleep, and how much time is stolen in the pursuit of deadlines. I think about my friend Ian, who died from that same pressure, and I wonder what art was left inside of them when their body breaks down.
do the supreme court justices have a group chat? this is the intrusive question interfering with my reading rn
i truly hope this part about teacher excitement is a lie
Knowing that a chatbot is “grading” your assignment is a great incentive for students to give minimum effort and craft assignments that are specific to the dictates of the machine: boring, rote, and drained of creativity and originality.
Teachers are embracing ChatGPT-powered gradingwww.axios.com Writable: AI tool that grades papers for teachers using ChatGPT