
Exactly. These folks *do not think Biden is unfit*. They're just wishcasting.
Also, if one were taking the accusation Biden is unfit seriously, and one wanted to bypass Harris, pointing out that as Veep she's integral to the 26A process would be my move People aren't serious, they don't think he's unfit, and they want do a fantasy football swap
Seems wrong. I’ve seen some people who clearly earnestly believe he’s unfit
Yeah. Good Democrats have good faith concerns about Biden's capabilities right now. I say that as someone who thinks Biden is capable and we need to stay the course.
Yes, but I would say that he is building a small rise into Mt. Everest in his head.
It is very hard to describe a debate that by all evidence available has not moved the needle a single inch one way or the other an "unmitigated disaster" unless you are in the grip of a panic attack.
Our pundit class has never fully recovered from the 2020 South Carolina primary, which showed clearly that it's Black church ladies, not failson columnists and podcasters, who wield the power in the Democratic Party.