
Exactly. These folks *do not think Biden is unfit*. They're just wishcasting.
Also, if one were taking the accusation Biden is unfit seriously, and one wanted to bypass Harris, pointing out that as Veep she's integral to the 26A process would be my move People aren't serious, they don't think he's unfit, and they want do a fantasy football swap
Seems wrong. I’ve seen some people who clearly earnestly believe he’s unfit
Sure, fair, but that's not what, for example, NYTimes is claiming.
Oh I saw the barrage of headlines and was not gonna be reading those articles lol full transparency. Just talking mainly about people I’ve had conversations with
Ohhhhh I see, okay, fair, it's not a sentiment I've broadly seen online. It's been mostly "He Must Step Aside" not "time for 25A"
Like, googling 25th amendment right now results in a dozen articles about republicans calling for Biden's cabinet to remove him from office, this doesn't scream "good faith concerns" to me, it screams "panic attack and gobbling republican propaganda".
The idea that Biden announces he's declining the nomination without making it clear he wants his own VP to be the nominee is unlikely, but let's play with the idea. Anyone else needs the backing of the Clinton and/or Obama networks to survive the free for all. Is this their idea of a good process?
Yeah. Good Democrats have good faith concerns about Biden's capabilities right now. I say that as someone who thinks Biden is capable and we need to stay the course.
So then why hasn't the evidence shown a significant negative shift in polling? Seems he's just wrong....
All the pundits starting writing before there was polling. There still isn't sufficient polling to draw conclusions. I think they all jumped the gun. I'm just saying many people calling Biden's capabilities into question did so from their own good faith assessment of the debate. Not all are hacks.
The capabilities they're calling into question is "running a campaign", not "being president". The people calling for Biden to resign the presidency rn and for Biden's cabinet to 25A him are republicans. Which entirely tracks.
Joe biden owes the country more good legislation
he is blatantly wrong about the current state of the race, though
Even solid dems have been known to have fits of panic.
he owes us a conversation about what the hell he was thinking with this
never reading sargent again; to be that wrong ... he just flushed his reputation down the toilet
Yes, but I would say that he is building a small rise into Mt. Everest in his head.
It is very hard to describe a debate that by all evidence available has not moved the needle a single inch one way or the other an "unmitigated disaster" unless you are in the grip of a panic attack.
You might call it a wash, but not an "unmitigated disaster".
Our pundit class has never fully recovered from the 2020 South Carolina primary, which showed clearly that it's Black church ladies, not failson columnists and podcasters, who wield the power in the Democratic Party.
I think you can even say it was clearly bad! And Greg is definitely a good democrat! But yeah he’s panicking and I don’t think it’s justified. He tweeted something to the effect that Biden would have to run an essentially perfect campaign from here on and I don’t see why that’s necessarily true.
"It was a bad debate" is the correct framing, not "Biden is losing it." The reason so many Dems are panicking is that Biden has been out in public a lot, and *hasn't* been showing signs of incapability, so nobody was prepared for him to look so befuddled.
I don't like Sargent's piece one bit, but he's questioning whether Biden can pull off a flawless campaign through November. I don't think he's saying Biden is so impaired he can't do the job.
Yeah, frankly, the loudest people calling for Biden to resign from the presidency are republicans, which lets you know where this narrative is coming from.
Sargent torched his credibility with that article
I don't think so. He didn't even come to any conclusion. He just said Biden needs to think long and hard about how to proceed. Considerably more measured than the NYT editorial board.
he torches his credibility by suggesting that there’s a legitimate path for anyone but Harris to replace Biden—that an open convention could be anything but an absolute last ditch desperation play.
I would suggest they start taking their own arguments seriously and I will follow suit
Exactly. A whole bunch of folks have blown their proverbial load really early on, and I'm afraid they've all just torched their credibility while handing Republicans an ideal concern troll fest.
If you think Biden’s unfit, you can’t bypass Harris. If Biden is unfit, he needs to not just drop out of the race, but needs to also resign the Presidency. If Harris both was on the ticket that won the delegates, and is the incumbent President, it would be crazy to bypass her.
If you think Biden is incapable and needs to stand aside, then I don’t think there’s any realistic world where you can bypass Harris. I think, if someone wants Biden to stand aside and bypass Harris, then I think they’re more concerned about finding a candidate that they like
To resignation, not necessarily. It could be rightly argued that the pressures of campaigning on top of being president are too much, 6 more months is fine, and that it is better for the country if his attention isn't divided. But probably would have to be Harris, for many reasons, yes.
I don’t think that’s right. Biden judged his limits and decided he was up for a campaign. He knows the job as President, and he knows what a national campaign is If he so badly misjudged his limits that he needs to drop out (after having won the primary nomination) then his judgement is compromised
That’s the problem for me. If he misjudged his ability to be involved in a campaign and be President, then I couldn’t trust his judgement on if he can do the job any longer. If he drops out, he really politically must resign too, I think
Nah, that's the kind of misjudgment that most people are prone to do.
I mean yes, it'd be better if he'd realized sooner. No argument from me there, I wanted a full primary and Biden to be a 1-term president. But we're here now.
I mean, yes, that’s true, but it’s also not the misjudgment that a President gets to be prone to. I think in any other context I’d agree with you.
It’s Joe Biden’s patriotic duty to step aside for hypothetical stronger candidate after we enabled Trump and completely failed to articulate the existential threat a second Trump Administration represents to our democracy and the free world.