
Alas, Biden's reaction was closer to "I'll be damned. 'To Serve Man' is a cookbook! I promise not to use these recipes!"
After the Court’s decision yesterday, I think there’s an argument from necessity for Biden seizing Trump and trying him by military tribunal, given the sudden unavailability of Article III courts. Plus, itʼs just the sort of thing they’ve authorized an active and energetic chief executive to do.
i don't think paw was serious about this as something Biden might do but damn if there isn't a lot of apparently sober sincere wish posting happening online
Please the court your honor Biden immediately SWATing SCOTUS would be good and also funny
this would have the advantage of happening too quick for them to rule he had no authority to do so
Analogous to the threesome joke. Of course I was only joking, honey. Unless, that is, you're into it.
the wishposting is so bleak
My reasoned legal opinion is that Biden should kill Trump