
this may be hard to fathom but john roberts does not believe a single word of that opinion.
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
His use of "faithfully executed" is pretty rich
i don't know how people do not get what just happened
debate perverts forever convinced that this time, finally, pointing out the hypocrisy in a decades-long blatant power grab will get those doing the grabbing do to stop
Hold on I think I've cracked it... he was possessed????
much like film is only doing now, we have to wait to see a realistic depiction of a panic attack in the supreme court
Forget UAP disclosure, why is the us government suppressing the knowledge of the tiny drift-compatible gnomes that control our judiciary from within their own skulls
What's crazy-making is that T skates every time. I mean e-v-e-r-y t-i-m-e. SCOTUS just immunized him against most/all of his current trials, his current fines for E Jean will likely be significantly reduced, and his supporters and/or the RNC pays his bills anyway. It's madness.
I'm surprised I haven't seen many people try to connect the dots to the "bribery is legal now" ruling.
Even so, any self-reflection on giving a free pass to an unstable monster who thinks he got fucked by you 4 years ago might lead one to go "maybe I shouldn't."
He's probably banking on Donnie croaking before they have any serious disagreements. Either that or he thinks he can control Trump - but in that case, he's an idiot.
Roberts has been blowing smoke about how the Court "isn't partisan" for his whole S.C. career. It was all garbage. It was all pablum fed to a credulous DC press corps. And they gobbled it up. They still do!
Then why do it? That's what I don't get. He's set for life. No one could knock him off his pedestal if they tried. Why not do exactly what you want? Is he going for gratuities, now that they're legal?
He did do exactly what he wants. He wants to provide the legal trappings for an autocracy the next time a Republican is elected.
Doing this shit right here was the entire reason he A) wanted to be a SCJ and B) the reason he got to be one
This has been the plan since Reagan took office
This is exactly what he wanted. He’s not a moderate. He’s as extreme as Alito he’s just got better PR about it.
In a dictatorship, nobody is set for life but the dictator for life, and maybe not even the dictator.
Trumoies like Lin Wood threatened him with arrest and execution on January 5 and 6, 2021 if he didn’t roll over and go along. Judges often write things they don’t believe as autocracy and dictatorship takes hold. Personally, I think he’s all in anyway.
This a "he joined the majority to write the opinion and try to limit the craziness" view?
More along the lines that he’s a politician doing what he has to do to advance his political agenda
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