
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
Ultimate in "I'm safe, whaddaya worrying about now?"
Its like that SotU when Obama correctly predicted what Citizens United would do and Alito was there in the front row shaking his head in a very "I, a powerful white male, know much more about everything than you, the little people beneath me" way.
Which is abnormal in itself
In what sense is a lack of self-doubt neurotypical?
people whose brains handle the world differently from what is considered "typical" tend to figure that out and spend a lot of time questioning ourselves and thinking about how we think and not assuming we're always getting it right. People whose brains function typically seem to not worry about it.
That is a terribly confused misperception, and I wish people would stop saying this sort of thing. I know very few people who do not experience self-doubt; the overwhelming majority are neurotypical, as the word “typical” suggests.
I keep seeing people on this site say the most absurd nonsense about neurotypical people. Think of a human state of being. That state of being is experienced by neurotypical people. Nothing human is strange to me, as the line goes.
You're seeing that stuff from people who have been treated quite badly for not being neurotypical, so maybe have some compassion and a sense of humor about it. And also maybe consider that the neurodivergent people have noticed some patterns /because our brains work differently/.
In this case I think the better term for the op’s point would be “neurotic” John Roberts doesn’t come across as a very neurotic person. Or he’s good at masking it in public. Or his neuroses are focused on some more discreet thing. Like maybe he’s a hypochondriac & worries constantly about cancer?
That's not what typical means, especially in this context. It doesn't mean "majority". It just means "considered to be the norm".
There's a very big difference between self-doubt and a spiral of "what if's." Most people only go through a few of the "what if scenarios" before they can move on. Someone like myself, I'll spend literally DAYS OR WEEKS going through every permutation of how a thing can be abused. I Spiral.
I think it's just that his spirals over these ideas are rather more. . . one-handed.
He’s never had a real conversation with a single black, gay or Jewish person ever
Nah; he knows he’ll be fine and so will everybody he cares about.
Like, I think this is a fundamental thing people need to understand about the current debate: none of this applies to the Justices, leadership of either party, or their loved ones, and they also have the resources to flee the country when things get Bad.
Or so they think. Judges usually don’t fare well under fascism.
Well depends on how fast they start groveling and brown nosing. Freisler was very successful and mrs alito seems to be a real fan considering how she talks about part of the populace
Yes. This is exactly correct.
There's nothing specifically neurodivergent about anxiety.
He's just aiding power structures he prefers. It's not complicated or obscure.
He's very privileged. He's never HAD things go sideways, probably. He's never BEEN surprised by what's happening to him. The number one reason we shouldn't have privileged people in positions of power is they don't understand the humanity of crisis because it has never happened to them.
This just blows my mind every time I'm reminded of it.
Good god, imagine thinking like this? Walking into rooms and not checking corners for ninjas like some kind of freak
That son of a bitch went home and had a nice dinner after declaring that the United States has an absolute monarch now. And by "now" I mean "whenever Trump or someone similar gets elected."
Oh, he has. He's just lying in his opinion. He knows that the worst possible hypotheticals will come true. He just thinks that the worst possible hypotheticals are good things.
At 42, I'm starting to understand my brain more, and it's thanks to posts like this. I appreciate it, in a weird way.
"No one has ever acted in bad faith in their life"
Or, imagine this, he just wrote whatever makes it seem like it’s not just a naked power grab because it’s not about the words, it’s about consolidation of power for the right wing
That's so funny. He's trying to kill us because he's a fascist. That's the purpose of the immunity ruling. It doesn't matter what's going on in his brain besides that.
The "what ifs" are the point to the conservative justices. The "what ifs" are what they're counting on. John Roberts is not a swing vote anymore, he's a conservative justice.
It's almost as if he's a white male in America!
RW is steeped in evangelicalism. Which involves believing in a religion about a refugee. And yet.
It's vague so they can permit the things they like and dismiss the things they don't.
being rich as fuck with a lifetime job controlling a branch of the US government will do that to a guy.
The weird thing is that the *whole case* this is founded upon was considered an “extreme hypothetical” all the way up to Jan. 5, 2021. A real tut-tutter for people who want to consider such scenarios hyperbole. I mean there were pundits everywhere snickering at the idea of Trump doing a coup.
Aphantasia is not neurotypical.
Aphantasia isn't the same thing as being unimaginative, it just means your imagination isn't visual. But I agree Roberts complete lack of imagination probably isn't neurotypical.
I have concluded he just has an IQ of about 85 and he earnestly believes that what he's doing is for the best.
He's not stupid, he's just lying. He wants a Dictator Trump because then liberals will be completely out of power.
I think the other five want that (with various reservations). I quite honestly just think Roberts is fundamentally a very stupid person. I've been thinking this for a very long time. The intellect behind his reasoning and decisions is consistently both facile and feeble.
Probably why Bush nominated him.
I'd say the "what if" spiral is normal, the ignoring of any possibility other than the desired one is a signifier of abnormality.