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Person of disinterest.
Fan of games, TTRPGs, board games, video games, et cetera. Part-time cynic. I also like cats and enjoy playing piano.
It should be illegal to release a trailer for a video game that is less than. 50% actual game play.
Did a 12+ hour Call of Cthulhu event at Gencon one year with 8 friends, and it was awful. The game was badly run (and we were too dumb to figure out what to do with the vague story given us) but even if that hadn't been the case, the duration alone would have made it intolerable.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Like every time he had is diaper changed
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
JD Vance looks like if Rohypnaol was a person.
Supremely underrated activity
Got the best version of the best Dragon Quest in there too
Weird, almost like creative endeavors require some time investment and practice, and the shortcuts around these barriers lead to poor results.
"If you don't stop making it marginally harder for us to murder and assault indiscriminately I swear to God we are going to walk right off this job and then who will consume half of your city's budget buying artisinal tanks?"
I've only watched a couple episodes, what bugs me is that everyone seems stupid because it feels like the writers don't have many ideas on how to move the plot forward. Mae hides in the corner with a lampshade on her head, and the Jedi don't notice because if they did, the story would be over.
The Jedi being a bunch of dummies that create most of their own problems is hardly anything new.
Reposted byAvatar Underwhelmed
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller July 11,1967
Ignoramus: "Hey, this machine that runs on fist-fulls of $100 bills and cannot accurately answer questions most grade school children can, seems like a dubious use of resources" Tech Genius: "You just don't have the vision!"
I had it once, and the noodles didn't do anything for me, but it made me realize ricotta was a top tier pizza topping that I had been sleeping on my whole life up till then
The series has some of the biggest dumbasses and dipshits of any fandom, hands down. They equate being good at a video game as their proof of superiority to the rest of humankind.
Lots of Nazis too. So many Nazis.
One of the things that really impressed me with T1 on a recent rewatch, was how the film isn't front-loaded with exposition. Short intro, and then the two travelers arrive and then all show no tell The lore isn't explained until halfway through the film when Connor asks Reese about the machines.
Even the original film is a little ambiguous at the start, as you just see the two of them arrive and immediately start crimeing their way through LA
Let's go all the way and get Zack Snyder up in this shit.
Missed this one long ago, and life has been hollow and meaningless ever since. You won't outsmart me this time shirt!
I've got that drow scouting party sniffing around and may end up using that in a similar manner. The flayer idea is really good though.
The island was pretty fun. Had a lot of fun with the awakened Walrus and the "helpful" ice mephit my party named "Walter" and "Donny" respectively. All speaking animals in my games end up being scammers and or jerks, but Walter was a dopey stoner type that spilled all the secrets for a sandwich.
Poppyseed bagel: eat the top or the bottom first? I do top and then sprinkle the dislodged seeds onto the bottom unless I am riding in someone else's car, and then they go everywhere but.
Our Rime game went on hiatus when we hit the final city because I don't know what to do with it. The provided materials for Ythryn are sparse, and it will require a lot of work from me to flesh out. Also, I feel like there is so little tying the 3 acts together....
The first vs Sunblight was fun, but my players defeated Auril at the end if act 2, and chasing after the brotherhood wizards hasn't inspired enthusiasm. Their rogue died in the Caves of Hunger, and the player is now running "now I'm a real boy!" Dzaan which should be cool but..
The "why are we even still doing this" justification feels week. We switched to PF2e as a "break" and a chance yo try it out, but I'm not sure anyone is all that excited to go back to 5e at this point.
Dogs are good, but people suck, and it is sadly not surprising that they can infect even wholesome good things with their suck.