Dominique Cyprès

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Dominique Cyprès

Musician (dark ambient electronic), software worker, parent of two rambunctious children.
Thinking about that scene in The Dead Zone where the candidate survived but everyone saw him try to use a baby to shield himself
i think his ear just did that
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
October 2020: Trump defends plot to murder Gov. Whitmer January 2021: Trump sends mob to kill his own VP and members of Congress November 2023: Trump cheers attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi March 2024: Trump posts video depicting abduction of Joe Biden
Teddy Roosevelt was shot while giving a speech 3 weeks before the 1912 election, was so fucking tough that he *stayed to finish the speech* and then lost to Woodrow Wilson 435 electoral votes to 88
George Wallace was literally put in a wheelchair by his attempted assassination and he still lost
“Ha ha, what? How often do I think about the Roman Empire? I dunno, not often?” —A guy really hoping the next question isn’t going to be how often he thinks about the Kowloon Walled City
To everyone who speculated about whether Biden can win an election after the debate: Now they're trying to bring back the Dark Brandon memes. I hope you're happy
Also Biden kept talking about how he's well on the way to practically cutting off immigration altogether and then Trump would say something like "It's criminal, how he's got the border wide open like this. They're flooding into our cities and killing thousands."
I only half-listened to an hour of the debate and also I'm neurodivergent but my basic impression of the rhetoric was not "wow, Biden is losing this." More like "Biden has some speech issues and Trump is vividly describing an Escape from New York scenario and saying that's how we currently live"
My favorite part about tonight was when Biden implemented a draconian border policy that violates human rights and international law and Trump and the CNN moderators still tagged teamed to accuse him of basically giving citizenship and a million dollars each to everyone south of the Rio Grande
I only half-listened to an hour of the debate and also I'm neurodivergent but my basic impression of the rhetoric was not "wow, Biden is losing this." More like "Biden has some speech issues and Trump is vividly describing an Escape from New York scenario and saying that's how we currently live"
wrong answers only
what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
new favorite playlist
Forcing "retvrn" fascists to watch Chris Marker's Sans Soleil, Ludovico-style, so they can learn how to do nostalgia correctly
it rules that a jury of rando New Yorkers is braver than several federal judges and basically every single senator
I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
You ever do some audio stuff and then can't stop thinking that certain podcasts you listen to could really use some dynamic range compression?
Once again just mildly obsessed with Emmylou Harris
Trump says he's taking hydroxychloroquine to avoid Covid-19. The malaria drug is touted by right wing "influencers" even as studies show it doesn't help and may hurt the heart. "I've heard a lot of good stories," Trump says. In 2024, it is estimated 17,000 people died from hydroxychloroquine misuse.
Trump says he’s taking unproven drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent The antimalarial drug is unproven as a treatment for the coronavirus, and the FDA has warned against its use outside hospital settings.
A few times now when I've seen some social media comment that says something like "Your art sucks," in response to someone else's work—not a critique, just an insult—I've jumped into the replies to say "Okay, show us yours." And they never do
"It's a good way to rationalize beating the shit out of kids." —Rolling Stone politics editor Andrew Perez on the "outside agitators" myth in reporting on campus protests, in an interview for On the Media
important that we re-learn to listen across political divides in this country
New: Bellingcat and followed one IDF battalion’s movements across Gaza, geolocating their social posts to highlight IDF involvement in systematic destruction of Palestinian land and livelihoods:
“We’ve Become Addicted to Explosions” The IDF Unit Responsible for Demolishing Homes Across Gaza - Bellingcat investigates the demotions carried out by the IDF in Gaza.
Never forget what they took from you. Retvrn