Vague Pariah

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Vague Pariah

Environmental artist that would rather be tending the nursery
Yeah AQ in LA is so much worse now than *checks notes* thethe 1970s 🤦‍♂️
He was also a bit of of dick on Twitter
There are a whole bunch of women having a party and scream singing to Sinead O'Connor in the valley and I'm here for it.
Hopefully it will spur Bluesky to enact the sort of modifications that Twitter had to discover to manage brigading like simply allowing an account to go private.
Stuff like that reminds me that Bluesky is still a toddler that is absolutely going to go through some growing pains.
Also, there is a list for that. Subscribe to the list and then select block list. It will eliminate those toxic brigadiers.
Toxic Dogpilers
List by
People who participated in, or celebrated, the Jamelle Bouie Dogpiling of 2024 and of other prominent Black voices on Bluesky. People whose sole contributions are cheap invective coordinated to drive people into silence or withdrawal.
I feel like we are in the proto phase of, iirc, Neal Stephenson's Fall where people in the civilized world hired editors for their social media feeds.
I'm really feeling this this weekend after Jamelle Bouie quit Bluesky after a bunch of toxic trans activists bullied him off for not quiting his NYT gig.
Miserable people searching for dopamine hits being rewarded for the wrong ones.
I think it depends on how you measure it. If it is a one shot measurement, i think rice might come out on top. But rice takes a long time to mature, so there is another measurement that acounts for how many days to harvest and that's where sweet potatoes come out on top.
Sweet potatoes are also a tropical/subtropical crop with a 12 month growing season.
Has anyone put together a public list of the dickbags that drove bouie off yet so we don't have to put up with their shit?
Iirc, the highest is sweet potato.
Some crops have higher yields under agrivoltaics and some crops have lower yields. The lower yields are ofset by the revenue from the PV. So the dual use ends up more profitable even with the reduced yield.
Reposted byAvatar Vague Pariah
project 2025 also calls to kill missing middle zoning reforms, hold exclusionary zoning and economic segregation as sacrosanct, and promote endless sprawl. 'American homeowners... know best what is in the interest of their neighborhoods and communities' yikes.
Net non-EU migration shows no correlation with 5 year old height data
Her voting record shows support for trans and abortion rights. Where are the moderate Republicans in the House voting against their party's anti-trans and anti-abortion bills?
If only we could get this in the US
New cars to be fitted with automatic speed limiters across Europe from this week
Yes I said every there when I should have said almost every which is why I was more specific in the next post.
She still loses in those polls
And I diidn't ignore anything. If you look I said she either underperforms or loses to Trump.
I mean has done thorough analysis of the pertinent EC maps and has come to a horrifying conclusion that I really hope beyond hope is wrong but looks correct.
That whole article is basically just restating that Harris underperforms Biden or loses to Trump except in a Nate Silver poll
The Economist which doesn't have an interest in making the election look like a horse race gets it right
Oh I'm pretty sure I've been saying everyone needs to stop missing in the tent the whole time.
”Friendly to monopolies" FTFY
" the nudist values his privacy." Perfect. No notes