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researching learning, emotion, politics, and design within movements and communities. asst prof of edu and critical learning scientist. personal account.
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Bruh they are paraphrasing not just fascists but THE fascists
This truly embarrassing garbage is why I unsubscribed from the NYT.
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The realization that a lot of jocks are actually nerds with a special interest in muscles changed my life
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I also want to point out that Vance's whole "professors are the enemy" schtick came after he profited enormously from universities. Nowhere was "Hillbilly Elegy" pushed more than on college campuses. He cashed in with six figure speaking fees to talk about Appalachian poverty.
JD Vance has talked about emulating authoritarian Orban's gutting of academic freedom in Hungary
Interesting noticing about moving back to Western WA after 20 years away. When I last lived here, people believed in speed limits. 😬
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This is how you do it.
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5 days and 25 charging stops later, we have driven across the US in an EV. Does it require planning and diligence? Yes. Is it impossible? No. We were able to charge every time we tried. We’ve had the car since 2021, and compared to even 2 years ago, it is so much easier.
In a state that is about to outlaw their area of expertise
New academia reality tv show in which hundreds of highly trained candidates get winnowed down to one champion, who is awarded the opportunity to teach intro classes outside their speciality with no research support!
Today is day 5 (may it be the last) of my cross-country roadtrip as I move from PA to WA and my eyes are so uncomfortable and irritated
Made it to Laramie. Yes, that Laramie. We have reclaimed Laramie. Laramie Has Fallen.
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Brandon Marsh eating an Uncrustable during his postgame interview is why I love the Phillies.
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📣 Calling all ISLS student members 📣 It's time to vote in ILSSA elections for next year's committee! Check your email for the link to vote through July 24th!
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Hearing that Jane passed away this morning. An immense loss. Her teachings changed much of my life. If you've never read her work, you should make it a priority to do so today.
we all gotta cherish the time we have left with Jane McAlevey, but among the things that are great about her is how much time and effort she's spent making sure we will have more organizers like her
Posting while some guys load a truck with everything I own
Some of us actually already had the opinion that Ga!man was not a good dude based on personal experience and that’s all I’ll say on that
Spending this day putting more shit in boxes, just like I did yesterday, just like I will do tomorrow
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if your instinct is "calm down, surely this is an exaggeration," allow me to assure you that it's really not
"Don't worry, if the president imprisons his political enemies, you can still get a writ of habeas corpus." "But to prove that's why you've been imprisoned requires proof of..." "Presidential motive!" "And under Trump v US, presidential motive is..." "Inadmissible!"
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That is an open threat. Terrorism as politics.
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As one of the core faculty members in the newly formed Eileen Lappin Weiser Center for the Learning Sciences at the University of Michigan, I am excited to share a job call for an intermediate project manager! Apply, send, and share! #GoBlue
Eileen Lappin Weiser Center for the Learning Sciences Project Manager | U-M
Spent the evening with more friends we’re saying goodbye to. Between life and the world, the tears keep coming, but we’re trying to make joy and speak our love out loud.
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We're extending nominations through July 8th!
ISLS student members, are you interested in joining ILSSA for the 2024-2025 academic year?! Nominations are OPEN through July 1st, 2024! More info about the various roles, as well as the nomination and upcoming election processes, are here:
2024 Version of ILSSA Mission ILSSA works to support and develop the intellectual, social, and professional development of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdocs in the field of Learning Sciences (LS) and...
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Family member back in the hospital again yesterday. It is beyond frustrating that reprieves come only a few months at a time these days.
You haven’t lived until you’ve had a 6 year old screaming the lyrics to “Hot to Go” in your face as she jumps on you. Niece is in town.
Three days until WE AREN’T Penn State
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It’s not even noon and I have a wild story for everyone.
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ISLS student members, are you interested in joining ILSSA for the 2024-2025 academic year?! Nominations are OPEN through July 1st, 2024! More info about the various roles, as well as the nomination and upcoming election processes, are here:
2024 Version of ILSSA Mission ILSSA works to support and develop the intellectual, social, and professional development of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdocs in the field of Learning Sciences (LS) and...