Victoria J Barnett

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Victoria J Barnett

Renegade Bonhoeffer scholar, I also write and teach about the Holocaust. Focus of my writing these days is early twentieth century interfaith history. Primarily here to discover new research, interesting books, poetry, music. & occasionally the humor…
On a happier note (than just about everything else) I’m watching the Baltimore dragon boat races today (my terrific daughter is on one of the Philly area boats). I love the vibe of these volunteer sports events.
Interesting, isn’t it.
Republicans would rather post the Ten Commandments than obey any of them.
"It's happening in our home." The most recent Amazon review of God, Guns, and Sedition made me somewhat emotional. A great reminder that this land is ours, too—and we do not have to accept the current levels of division, hatred, intolerance, and violence.
#SundayYellow Blenko glass vase that brightens my room every day.
Me again!! 😉 If you see this post repost with something yellow for #SundayYellow okay ‘Tura’ is a golden, yellow ochre.. so technically it counts… plus she is stunning and I haven’t posted an Owl since Friday…😁 #Traditions #Owls #Community #BeKind #PostTraditions #photography #ExPostie 📷🦉💛🪶💚
Also this. And I’d add Doris but my paperbacks of her books disintegrated.
Once upon a time I had the idea of writing a book called ‘The Ageing Intellectual’s Book Shelf’ with 100 titles (non fiction) bookish people maybe a little older than me would have had. Might slowly do it here, though without the discussion. Here’s the obvious first. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.
This is fun. Here’s my contribution:
Once upon a time I had the idea of writing a book called ‘The Ageing Intellectual’s Book Shelf’ with 100 titles (non fiction) bookish people maybe a little older than me would have had. Might slowly do it here, though without the discussion. Here’s the obvious first. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.
Hi this is VERY IMPORTANT CONTEXT from a Jewish Studies professor at Columbia about EVERYTHING that has gone down, including cops, encampment, and the utter lack of expertise at the table, despite actual antisemitism scholars employed by university BEGGING to be put to use:
On Columbia Protests, DA Newsletter May Columbia protests: An interview with Prof. Marianne Hirsch An interview with Professor Marianne Hirsch Dear Zoe, When it was announced in March that Columbia University President Minouche Shafik would
Took the slow and scenic route back from Charlottesville today, driving along Skyline Drive. If you’re ever in these parts, it’s worth the time…
Amidst the apocalyptic campus reports these days, a shout-out to the terrific undergrads in my Holocaust class at U. of Virginia. They have been one of the best groups of students I've ever taught: thoughtful, critical, asking great questions, caring about the right things.
Terrific, sensitive, and wise commentary from this morning on the Columbia University protests. I've been on her free mailing list for awhile but this one moved me to subscribe...
Luc Bernard, "Gaming and the Holocaust" Monday, February 12 at 7:00 eastern via Zoom The first in our five-part virtual seminar series on New Technology, Holocaust Education, and Antisemitism. Learn more and register here:
Today's the first day of my Holocaust course for the semester (UVA). In any course I teach on the Holocaust/Nazism I always highlight historian Klemens von Klemperer's great description of Nazi Germany as a "consensual dictatorship." We'll spend the semester unpacking what that means at every level.
Virtual Event - Preying on Young Minds and Normalizing Extremism (Friday, January 12)
“Networked incitement” is such an important insight, not just into Jan. 6 but into the dynamics of political violence and hate movements. We (ordinary folks, journalists, etc) need new ways of thinking about how to respond to this.
I’m back to publishing! So excited to premier some research in @ConversationUS about NETWORKED INCITEMENT with a reflection on Jan 6. Getting back to my academic roots analyzing social movements in this piece.
Jan. 6 was an example of networked incitement − a media and disinformation expert explains the Social media allows a political leader to direct the behavior of political movements, including engaging in violence and insurrection.
In the current context of anti-immigrant politics, I'm pleased to have contributed the foreword to a forthcoming collection of stories of resilience from refugees. Survivors of war and genocide show us such courage. Politicians who want to vilify them should be ashamed of themselves.
I Lived to Tell the World | The Immigrant Stories from Survivors of Holocaust, Genocide, and the Atrocities of War Elizabeth Mehren Foreword by Timothy Longman Oregon State University Press As we reflect on a challenging year marked by […]
Looking for a New Year's poem for the start of 2024 and all the ones that speak to me (May Sarton's "1974" for example) are so bleak. Here's one I like, by Jane Hirschfield:
Counting, This New Year’s Morning, What Powers Yet Remain To The world asks, as it asks daily:
End of feed.