
AI shills resent artists & think that making art is a chore that nobody actually wants to do:
I think the dead giveaway is that these fuckhead can't tell the difference between art & 'content'.
What a depressing and joyless existence this person must lead
I don't make content, I write books And it's been a broken record of mine for YEARS that in a better society all art would be free because we would take care of artists in better ways Fuckhead indeed
These guys’ only encounter with art was homework they didn’t like
To be fair I think that’s most people’s experience with actually making art. The difference is most people can also understand that plenty of people do enjoy making it and deserve to get paid for it, because that also applies to whatever they do.
Unfortunately, it's surprisingly common for people who are expert in their field & get paid well for it to assume that everyone they encounter whose skills lie in a different area most definitely don't involve equally difficult skills that are worth just as much money.
If money were abolished tomorrow I would go to the grocery store and get bags of frozen mozarella sticks and fried breaded pickle spears for free. I'd also get at least two strawberry flavored sugarfree Monsters. I would then go home and destroy my body while making content.
If I had an unlimited supply of free pharmaceutical grade stimulants? I would replace sleep with content creation until I die. It wouldn't take long.
If there was no money, I'd be drawing twice the shit I draw now! Fuck it!
And I think they're vastly overestimating how much money artists actually make. If you want to make money then there are lots of easier ways.
Indeed. The reason why most art is so fucking cheap for the amount of labour & skill involved is that artists produce art in the same way that plants produce oxygen. If earning a living is your priority, art is the last thing in the world that you'd do for it.
This a million times. That post has real "Why are they charging so much? I could paint that myself" energy.
i always see this as “if you were really an artist, you would simply ask your parents for money” and then i dig into the person saying it and, yep, their parent’s were angel investors in their wellness grift or tech startup scam
My mom is an artist so lol at whoever says that for multiple reasons
If money were abolished tomorrow, all I would do is draw and build plastic robots. AI shills are the dumbest people
Yah if money were abolished I wouldn't make content. I'd make art
also if there is one thing that the internet in general and "AI" in particular has taught us it is that maybe we do *not* want the inner visions of everyone realized artistically ever, much less constantly, and much much less inescapably
This is what always gets me Like...the creation of the art and the hot I feel when I do it, not just the product I get at the end, is a big part of why I do it. It's like building a robots that play sports so "people don't have to". It doesn't make sense.
The *joy not the hot lol
Nah I think you’re on to something. I’m going to replace joy with hot now when in company I suspect will accept it
I would probably make even more art since i'd be less stressed about whether it would be something saleable vs just something i enjoy making.
Their premise is always that whatever liberating tech they're pushing naturally comes with full communism as well. Otherwise these VCs would be monsters haha!
I like the culture of Bluesky that instead of piling on the OP on the post, everyone is just blocking him.
That's such a wild take, and it solidifies my dislike for the word "content" I make art because it's fun. If I make money off of it, then that's just a bonus.
People want to survive and thrive. They don't want survival to require getting paid. But we live in a society using anything it can to try and avoid giving people what they need to survive.