Virginia Sapiro

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Virginia Sapiro

Retired political scientist in NH, Boston who still scholars. Also make believe I'm a historian, farmer, cook, baker. I do love democracy, knowing stuff, looking at art, listening to music. Current research: history of higher education in the U.S.
Oh, UK and France, you are giving me hope. Don't break my heart.
They say that being President of the US always really ages people. So I guess where you finish depends at least partly on where you start.
Rees-Mogg gone. The smarm factor will be considerably reduced in Parliament.
I could do without the Swingometer, BBC.
Nutcase caucus elected in Islington and Clacton.
We ultimately rejected Taney’s decisions. We can do the same to Roberts.
The fact that I know more about Joe Biden’s one bad debate night than I do about Donald Trump’s years of raping and sexually assaulting girls within Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring shows exactly what is terribly wrong with today’s political mainstream media.
Happy UK Election Day to all who celebrate!
Got a lot of Brit friends over here on Bluesky, so to all of you, I wish you an awesome and patriotic 4th of July! Send those Tories packing tomorrow and take your country back. Looking forward to returning to a kingdom that has returned to sanity.
At this time of year while I work on our porch, there's a Grey Catbird that perches on a shrub all day and serenades me. A wonderful friend to have.
Gray Catbird YouTube video by Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
OK, today convinced me. It's done. I'll go with a suggestion from a wise person. Harris/Buttigieg.
I agree he's not a great speaker, and worse than he was. But have folks considered there are two sides to communication? Maybe all the people who haven't taken in what amazing accomplishments there have been despite the odds have not been listening very well?
So whatever you think of the alternatives (other than "Generic Democrat" or "Ignoring Harris" and its impact), using LBJ as a model is less than convincing. The party lost and we ended up with the Watergate guy. Old enough to remember it. Not great.
I was just fantasizing about who I would take out if I really did have a Space Laser.
Think about the baselines here. Taney inherited a vile political system and dedicated his career to perpetuating it. Roberts inherited a system that, although flawed on any number of dimensions, sought to uphold a modest version of democratic equality. He's dedicated his career to dismantling it.
john roberts currently neck and neck with roger taney for worst chief justice in american history
So if Biden were as unethical and anti-democratic as the previous guy, what might he do with the new powers conferred by the Supreme Court?
I begin to wonder (thank you Frederick Douglass): Now, what is the 4th of July to any of us?
This part of J. Jackson's dissent:
Core versus official versus unofficial duties seems to me even murkier as a determining principle of law than trimesters.
"With fear for our democracy, I dissent."
So does this mean Biden could have hit the other guy in the head with a golf club and claimed immunity?
I liked it better when I lived in a country that aspired to be a democracy, when at least technically, no person was above the law.
Someone tell me that all of season 3 of The Bear is not as tense as the first 2 episodes.