Virginia Sapiro

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Virginia Sapiro

Retired political scientist in NH, Boston who still scholars. Also make believe I'm a historian, farmer, cook, baker. I do love democracy, knowing stuff, looking at art, listening to music. Current research: history of higher education in the U.S.
Glad it went well. On the most tense days as faculty or (esp) admin, sitting out there looking at the water was cleansing. Nice walk along the lake. And a cool path up thru the woods to poli sci.
Read the whole thing when it came out. Really not good.
I feel it, hear it, see it. Nothing like it. Cheers.
I think JD Vance will make a real difference in support for Trump. He'll really help the ticket capture white people who feel left out because Black folk are getting everything and who support Russia's ventures in Ukraine. Oh, and who really support petrochemicals.
This season has begun. Left to right Music, Chernock Red, Georgian Crystal garlic and Highlander onions.
That's the point: Make one up and say it's AMAZING. Then you're there. Kind of like clicking your ruby slippers together.
You mean because in almost all cases there are lots of people with roughly similar bios who never tried to assassinate anyone?
A lot of people today are projecting political opinion trends with straight lines into the future, when the general tendency in public opinion is mean reversion with random deviations in one direction or another.
Have a beer on the Terrace for me.
Folks just love to jump on the sensationalist bandwagon, don't they?
Much as I hate to admit it, true.
Well, Spain had a pretty good day.
OK, pipe down on the political stuff. I'm trying to watch a match.
Progressive values and Democrats are not responsible for this violence. There is no both sides here. Violent rhetoric is the bread and butter of modern extreme conservatism. And lax gun laws put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a gunman.
Project 2025 calls for defunding the FBI. (Note that Heritage called the FBI to start an investigation of the hacking incident the other day. Yes they called the agency they plan to shutter if Trump wins 🤷🏼‍♂️)
from now until Election Day, we connect every story back to Project 2025 Eg: The FBI is currently investigating the Trump shooter. But did you know that Project 2025 will place the FBI under Trump’s direct control, so he can decide which acts of political violence get investigated, and which don’t?
Surely no one’s saying that someone getting shot in America is unprecedented.
As always, federal employees do what they need to do. Secret service and law enforcement jump on the former President, putting their bodies between him and danger.
Of course, he made it extra hard for the people putting their bodies between him and danger by popping his head up and pumping his first. Their job is to keep him safe.
Dahlias beginning to come in. Brown Sugar:
Good night, Ruth Westheimer. You survived the Nazis and brought joy to a lot of people. May your name and memory be a blessing.
Yes, honeys, that's right. Right over the target of democracy.
A friend proudly told me about how she did the starvation thing for a week to "clear her body of toxins" and how she lost 12 pounds. I told her I was anorexic as a teen and I don't mess around with starvation fads. OK, I'm fat. I hate it. But not going to work on making me disappear again.
BTW -- when I taught women's studies I wasn't into self-revealing, but when I taught about women & health I did reveal my former anorexia bc it's so hidden. My office ALWAYS filled with students for days after coming in to admit and seek solace/help.
Maybe a lot of the press think that Trump is so obviously terrible that it goes without saying. It doesn't. Say it.