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he/they; artificial Seattleite; cheerfully autistic; 6158-6792

DDR and personal interest posts as schedule allows
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
What we're seeing with Twitter and even the fringier stuff; Truth Social, Gab, Rumble, etc. is really important. It is an extension of what happened on cable and radio. The right wing owns and builds platforms. They control the media means of production. It's had a massive effect.
hm, reskeets got kinda spicy there huh hello! I've been on a boat! glad to report I am now off the boat, though my vestibular system is still catching up as recompense, here is an especially pretty sunset from said boat (~25 mi east of Sitka)
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
Reporter: hey, are you gonna find some way to make workers life shittier in order to prove a point about how paying them more is actually counter-productive? keep in mind no one will check to see you actually did this. Business Owner: Yes, absolutely. Reporter: What a scoop!
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
This is my least favorite time of the election year. When everyone whose only political action is Voting pretends not to know what the Electoral College is.
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
i keep making this point but it'd be amusing if not for the stakes how the institutional ideology of every major news network/paper is its not their job to inform you, the reader, what is real or not beyond the authenticity of quotes they publish
"CNN Defends Decision to Not Do a Journalism"
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but not explain it.
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but not explain it.
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
reminder that the weight of archiving all this shit lies on the shoulders of a handful of determined and obsessive people, and that corporations will do anything to prevent that preservation
the erasure of 20+ years of news stories here is yet another sign that future generations will have much richer knowledge of the 1930s than they will the GW Bush and Obama years. The wayback machine is carrying a lot of weight these days. If that goes, adios: variety.com/2024/digital...
MTV News Website Goes Dark, Archives Pulled Offlinevariety.com The website of the already-defunct MTV News has been fully pulled offline.
lrs: aaaaaa AAAAAAAA the "Animation of Final Fantasy" series is one of the only good things YouTube has ever recommended to me, and possibly the best of them highly recommend to anyone with even a passing interest in storytelling, animation, or both
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
first ITL 12! fun sightread
I've been working on 14 gold for a few years now, and I closed 8 PFCs last night to hit the milestone of 10 left \o/ Highlights attached! Not pictured for brevity: - Overdrive (47p) - Onigiri Circus (40p) - New Generation (27p) - Playing With Fire (38p) - 888 (30p)
I recently learned about Salmon Run checkpoints: you can go up to level 999, but every rotation restarts you at 40, which is low enough for solo queue to be RNG... ... unless you get to 400 on a stage, which starts its next rotation at 200 and straight to matchmaking with other try-hards 👀👌💯🔥🔥
been busy! here are a couple vistas
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
i'll take it a step farther even. if you’re an adult and still extremely vocal about your HP fandom, im gonna assume you just dont give a fuck about trans people I get it can be hard letting go, but maybe letting the world know how excited you are to travel to Florida for HP World isn’t the move
Rowling has made it clear that supporting her is a direct attack on trans people and the more of a PR nightmare we can make the upcoming Potter series for Warners the better
slightly belated scoreposting: last Thursday, I finally LIFE4'd Battle Against a True Hero ESP to reclaim my 15 red lamp! I also knocked out a handful of janky charts for 15 blue, with a respectful F to my poppin' soda gold combo that I lost around arrow 600 ;_;
Emerald City Comic Con's quiet room gets me 😌
got some decent DDR scores last night! in chronological order: 1. PFC'd Oh My Lovely Sweety Darling (#36), up from a 987k sightread 2. 16p PFC on F4SH10N ESP, up from 41p 3. PFC'd New Millennium DSP (#37)! I was exhausted here, can probably shave off 30p after some rest
completed my first weightlifting session in months! it's something \o/
What's your sign?
What's your sign?
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
🛑🛑 this is a bluesky tollgate. You must submit a cute selfie to scroll this feed. 🛑🛑
🛑🛑 this is a bluesky tollgate. You must submit a cute selfie to scroll this feed. 🛑🛑 ____________________________
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
Advertise your account with one image
Advertise your account with one image
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
Sound Transit Announces They Really Don’t Want You to Take the Train Anymore: bit.ly/45XwL6D
Reposted byAvatar vyhd
dogs in their heaven, all's right with the world
Pittsburgh vibes (but snowier)
CVS got jokes