Shona Black

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Shona Black

Art, design, football. Anti-fascist. 85% feral, 100% for trans rights. Unreasonably pleased with myself. 🏳️‍🌈
So the tories are gonna look at the *5* ‘Reform’ seats and think omg we gotta get more racist, while completely ignoring the 64-seat LibDem swing
This is actually heartening.
Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
Ok but I did enjoy this.
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
Really annoying that Starmer’s Labour is so *ugh* that I can’t even enjoy this.
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So hey, here's a thing I don't think a lot of folks know: That whole "Patient Zero" thing? The French-Canadian airhost who supposedly spread HIV all over America? That's not real. That's not what happened or how it happened.
It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out ‘undefined’ was not one specific account that was just phenomenally prolific at pissing off everyone I follow. 🫢
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Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
What’s your favourite black & white movie? No contest!
What’s your favorite black and white movie? What can I say I’m a Basic Bitch 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I may now be obsessed with the fact that freshwater crabs 🦀 (Potamon fluviatile) proliferated in late Roman sewers & now archaeologists & conservationists are fighting to save these little guys as an indigenous species, who live in places like Trajan’s Forum.
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Freedom of religion in America is the freedom of everyone regardless of their faith to be Christian.
(I should clarify it's not that they're are *no* protections it's just that Christian protections always take precedent and non-Christian protections rarely acknowledged or enforced.) (Thinking about how Charlottesville cops refused to protect the synagogue despite known repeated threats)
I have a firm belief that these vandals should not be jailed, but instead must do 1,000 hours of community archaeology and basic excavation service (e.g. pottery washing, buckets to the backfill pile) if caught.
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Oh fuck off you spineless coward.
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Christ as the Man of Sorrows, by The Master of Sankt Kathrein, 1475, 📸 by Boris Streubel
Rocking up to my lawyer’s office w a Hello Kitty bandage, like a proper grown-up
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On Juneteenth, one of artist Jacob Lawrence's most joyful & exuberant images, his 1999 screenprint "Play"
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Reminder that Stockholm Syndrome was invented because a kidnap victim said, accurately , that the kidnappers were more concerned with their safety than the cops were.
Retrieved captives recount their experiences in Gaza. Israeli doctors say they may have Stockholm Syndrome. Source:
Libraries save lives. Police end them. Just facts.
Adams’s library cuts are going to literally kill people
The foundation of modern news is the pigeon. Reuters founded his wire service by flying hot stock tips from Brussels to Aachen via 45 carrier pigeons in 1850. They could beat the train by two hours.
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father’s day story: when my dad was a youth, he found a kitten in the yard and decided to adopt him. he hid the kitten under his bed, as he wasn’t allowed to have a pet in the house. he probably would’ve gotten away with it too, if the kitten had not been a bobcat
‘What kind of fuckery is this?’
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When a modern Tory hears a mainstream Conservative policy from 1974
What would your most nerdy knuckle tats say? Mine might be: MORE SALT.
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This painting of a 20-something twink from 1596 made one man say “seeing this painting has made me so gay I need to go to the hospital”
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There's an Apocryphal academia story my dad used tell, about a professor who got lost in Rome. He didn't speak Italian so he went up to a cop and asked for directions in Latin. The cop replied back in Latin "Sir, it seems you haven't been here in a very long time".
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"what if the milkshake was acid" what if clouds were hot dogs. what if lentils went to college. what if magnets screamed when you pulled them apart. what if
TIL 😳🥴
It’s June 4, 2024, and today is the 50th anniversary of one of the most important days in Cleveland history. TEN CENT BEER NIGHT. If you don’t know about Ten Cent Beer Night, please please please read this. This is my first thread. It will be long, but it will absolutely 100% be worth it.
the thing about the frog-in-boiling-water allegory is that in real life the frogs in that experiment had their brains removed; frogs with intact brains quickly jumped out of the hot water. which actually makes it somehow more illustrative of people who write or are persuaded by 3-3-3 court pieces
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They're right to brag.