
he should live stream the flir feed from a predator drone circling around mar a lago
a good way to alleviate concerns about Bidens debate performance / age *and* concerns about court overreach would be for Team Biden to schedule a short TV speech on it and give a firebrand performance about what he intends to do about it just sayin
I have seriously suggested the President should order the executive branch to do some dumb annoying highly visible non-threatening things that are blatantly illegal, just to make a point. No violence, no meaningful power grabs. Actually doing villain shit would inspire criticism, lose the message.
Accept a 10 dollar bribe for pardoning someone for giving bribes, at a campaign event. Like, take the money, on stage. Pull out a pardon and sign it, right there. Make it a show.
1) Get Willie Nelson to smoke a joint in a scenic spot on federal park land in a blue, pot-friendly state. Still a federal crime:, a park ranger can arrest you, an immigrant could lose their visa, a US Attorney could prosecute. 2) Pardon him in return for a signed guitar. 3) Donate it to charity.