
In six swing states that Biden narrowly won in 2020, a little more than half of voters classified as likely to decide the presidential election say threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president, according to a poll.
Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state A poll of swing-state voters shows that Americans rate threats to democracy as an important issue, but that the president has yet to convince them he is the one to defend it.
I'm sorry but I can't take these polls seriously when these are the results. Feel like we are flying blind this year.
exactly. the polls aren't lining up with the primary results. flying blind is a great way to put it
This is a failure of the Fourth Estate. #AmericaDeservesBetter
Is that when Trump democratically raped a woman or when he democratically committed 34 felonies?
When he democratically stormed the Capitol to try and steal the election he lost. Were sunk.
anyone who thinks you can win an election on "defending democracy" is an imbecile
I mean, if you want more elections, preserving democracy is pretty much job #1.
Agree but it's not a voting issue, it won't persuade or mobilize any voters. Voters only care about things that touch their daily lives. To save democracy, Biden should have done total student loan forgiveness (not targeted 9%), minimum wage, paid family leave, child tax credit, Medicare expansion.
Biden did try to cut student loans, republicans took him to court and the Supreme Court blocked it. Biden found another way around it.
All the other things you mentioned has to be approved by Congress.
Without a democracy, nothing else will matter. So democracy is number one issue, everything is second.
Voters will never see it that way. Campaign messages based on political process always fall flat, persuadable/low-turnout voters do everything they can to avoid info about process. If Biden makes the campaign about democracy instead of tangibles, he will lose decisively and democracy will die.
I disagree abortion only affects small portion of women population but it’s important issue for many women
How is Biden not winning this on the grounds of not himself being an existential threat to democracy
Because America is broken af
"Why aren't I up 50 points!?!" ~some asshole who assumed voters had to vote for them instead of Donald Trump, and proceeded to campaign with the same level of over-confidence and hubris, while ignoring swing state appearances for high dollar general campaign "fundraisers"
Biden blows, although Not nearly as bad as Trump does. But it’s still hysterical and sad that he’s gonna lose to a wannabe dictator.
Because some think ‘democracy’ is ‘my guy wins’.
I will never understand where they got that definition. That's not in any dictionary or civics textbook I've ever seen.
Oh, the people I’m talking about have never read a textbook.
*grumble* Back in my day, you had to go to school because attendance was mandatory.
Unfortunately, there’s a difference between going to school and reading a textbook.
Project 2025 explicitly plans to overturn American democracy, using Trump in this case but they’ll take whoever shows up and do the same. It’s Biden vs. dictatorship this year. If Biden wins, we will be in the same place in 4 years. How much has WP reported on Project 2025? #AmericaDeservesBetter
Joe Biden was never good enough.
That means there's not enough reporting on Trump, him saying "I'll be a dictator on day one", Project 2025, Schedule F etc and also Trump's Supreme Court picks and their "feats".
Or, in counterpoint, Joe Biden has not done the things to earn re-election.
Whatever Biden has done or didn't do: Nothing justifies another Trump term.
Okay? Yet Biden and the Democrats are the ones in charge of if that occurs.
Nothing justifies another Biden term, either. That is what you don't get.
We, the People, deserve so much better than two mentally unqualified White Supremacist capitalists as the only options.
These are the dumbest people on the planet, and it isn’t even close.
So absurd. The guy who tried to storm the Capitol to steal an election he lost, who wants to terminate the Constitution, who wants to be a dictator is trusted with democracy. America is sunk. Failed experiment.
It's too bad that it's 'a little more than half' ffs. Then add that they don't even know what those threats are? It's in more danger than they know and apparently more than almost half of them even care about.
Hey Wapo, is this real and the American voters are fools? Do better and inform them!
Utter nonsense. These are people who answered the phone.
How did the pollster define 'democracy' to their subjects? how about 'threats' to same, or what should be done about those? All this phrasing does is fall right into the cracks in the public opinion divide--everyone asked answers based only on their own view, not on anything objective. Badly done.
The polls led us astray in 2016. Don't trust them again. Vote blue, or kiss your democracy auf Wiedersehen.
This is beyond ‘low information’ straight to willfully ignorant, stupid.
How is this even possible after Jan 6th?
The USA is cooked. I suggest everyone start training with weapons because this is gonna get bad
Swing state voters are dumb as hell, apparently.
Trump, who literally and obviously tried to steal an election ( aka the end of democracy ), is somehow more trusted to defend democracy? The problem with polls is that they ask people and people are stupid. The problem with papers is that they report on polls instead of THREATS TO DEMOCRACY
That is obviously a bogus "poll". Who did it NEWSMAX or Fox Noise? Either that or the only people polled were wearing Red Hats and gold plaited sneakers.