Ed Crotty

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Ed Crotty


Curmudgeon in training. Anti-fascist.
been reading some research on the impact of Gaza on antisemitism. one of the more interesting findings is that while negative feelings toward Jews have ticked up among Palestinian sympathizers, it’s still not even close to the level of Islamophobia among Israeli sympathizers
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That awful AP tweet is still up, but the screenshot of Trump is so bad it almost balances out the fawning text
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Tap the sign: conservatism consists of exactly one proposition… you know the rest, etc
The explosion of Trump/MAGA rage about Steve Bannon's jail sentence confirms yet again a key dogma of the MAGA movement: Any/all applications of the law to MAGA are deemed inherently illegitimate. On the pod, we dig into this with 1/6 committee lawyer Eric Columbus: newrepublic.com/article/1824...
Why MAGA’s Eruption of Rage at Bannon’s Jail Sentence Is So Alarmingnewrepublic.com As a judge orders Steve Bannon to surrender to prison, a lawyer for the Jan. 6 committee explains why the furious MAGA reaction sends ominous signals about the dangers of a second Trump term.
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Breaking: Sources say that former members of The Trump Organization, the first Trump presidential campaign and the Trump Administration are planning a large surprise party to welcome the former president to prison.
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There's this widespread misconception among the public that the housing shortage is caused by like, a shortage of building materials, I think because the actual explanation that the thing is short supply is "permission to erect a building" is too stupid-sounding to feel like it could the real reason
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"Was it, Sam?" "Justice Alito, PLEASE!" "C'mon Sam, personally insulting? How?" "It said to fornicate with Trump" "How's that affect you or your lovely wife?" "I don't.." "Sam, you're so far in the tank you can't even see daylight, can you?"
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for the record: there were no black people who fought for the confederacy and to the extent that there were black slave owners post-1800 they were almost exclusively people who purchased loved ones for freedom
this is absolutely depraved www.chicagotribune.com/2024/05/05/u...
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Never forget that Republicans could have, after 1/6/2021, made Trump go away as a candidate forever by voting to convict in his impeachment. Instead what McConnell said they wanted was for the criminal legal system to deal with it, which is how we get to where we are today
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"I just signed a low protecting free speech on college campuses" "These protestors belong in jail"
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*whispers* they were never pro-free speech they were only ever pro-racism
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Jesus Christ! I remember chatting with an Israel apologist who said that he'd consider thinking about maybe calling it genocide if things like this started to be reported. I'd be interested to learn where the goalposts have moved at this point, but I never will, because I blocked him.
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Oddly, the centrist press' both sides-ism often results in black conservatives getting vastly more exposure than black progressives. Funny that. I'd add there's a third instinct here: to launder and boost conservative views through blacks. It's a longstanding problem in journalism. From 1992:
'The Loudest Silence Ever Heard' - FAIRfair.org I often felt that the media assumed that, to be black, one had to espouse leftist ideas and Democratic politics. Any black who deviated from the ideological litany of requisites was an oddity and was to be cut from the herd and attacked…. There was, indeed, in my view, a complicity and penchant on the […]
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Inside you are two wolves. They are hungry. They are both named Duran.
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To felons in jail and those who have been pardoned, the renewed questions swirling around Donald Trump's indictments resonated in deeply personal ways. We spoke to these criminals about their thoughts on crime and the presidency.
To voters in their 70s and 80s, the renewed questions swirling around President Biden’s age and fitness resonated in deeply personal ways. We spoke to older voters about their thoughts on age and the presidency.
Other 80-Somethings Have Thoughts About Age and the Presidencywww.nytimes.com President Biden’s age has once again become a talking point in national politics. Many older Americans agree that it’s an issue; others feel it’s insulting.
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Once again, the conservative majority on the Court shows that it strongly supports the rights of states to do what they want, as long as what they want advances the political agenda of the conservative majority on the Court.
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Masks are off in Miami-Dade. Masks are in the trash can. There are no more masks.
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End of feed.