
I'm a critic of the Supreme Court, but that's because I support equal justice, the rule of law, and oppose corruption.
Goose mode: why do we oppose the conservative majority?
Talking about an political ideological majority does kinda give the game away
"The public has correctly identified the Supreme Court's naked political ideology, even as its defenders also have."
The only people who see the supreme court as impartial are the people who really want to. They also write editorials for the NY Times.
AND the washington post and etc. MSM is working for billionaires, not for the rest of us.
WaPo bothsidesing the shit out of the corrupt SCOTUS making shit up to accommodate CONVICTED FELON Donald Trump. Excellent journalism!
Yes I oppose the Conservative majority. I also oppose the self-policing method for ethical violations. This court is suffering from massive conflicts of interest and that has nothing to do with their political views but everything to do with integrity. Still discussing ethics rules?
They ARE political. They killed voting rights, took away women's rights and now say America does deserve a king. Pull your head out of your ass
What does an unelected group with no one to fire them care about public sentiment?
Our government depends on the ethics of individuals. It doesn't matter if they can be fired. It matters if we elect the right people to "hire" them. We knew the risk when 34-felon was elected. The question is, have we learned our lesson now?
If there are no consequences for being unethical, then unethical people will continue behaving unethically. Sorry to have used the word "fascist" three times in the previous sentence.
There are consequences. They (again) depend on the people we vote into Congress to take action. Congress has the authority to implement ethics requirements, expand the court &/or impeach justices. It's up to us to know the rules & vote.
“…may..”? 🤣
Really, WaPo? Both-sidesing that besides his opionions being for sale, the court's most conservative justice wants to tear down democracy. Alito's beliefs clearly contradict his oath to the constitution. He should be removed from the court with prejudice.
Both-sidesing isn't reporting. How about instead looking at the facts and reporting on those instead.
What I actually oppose is 6 extremists turning America in to a momarchy. But go ahead and keep making up b.s. stories.
The SCOTUS majority is NOT conservative— it is extremist. John Robert’s is giving Taney a run for worst Chief Justice in history.
🤣 They spit on the Constitution and paved the way for a fascist dictatorship, but it took experts to say that it "may" hurt public trust? Good grief.
Court defenders? Who? SCOTUS is completely politicized. The Right thinks they have SCOTUS in their pocket, and the Left think SCOTUS has been corrupted and bought.
Life is political. Stop w the purist rubbish.
Shall have you in my thoughts. And win, you will.☺️
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. Upton Sinclair speaking about modern media
"May" hurt public trust? Your headline writer really softballed that one.
The GOP stacked the court with their people - OF COURSE it's political. It's basically a tool of one party now.
“Even as the court’s defenders say its critics simply oppose the conservative majority.” Isn’t it an admission by defenders that the court is rigged and political?
You don't need an ethics expert to know which way the ethics go. The court's defenders are either invested in the court or are applying motivated reasoning.
Trusting the Supreme Court should be grounds to be deemed legally incompetent.
Joe Biden has now the power to dissolve this archaic institution. He can add 50 new judges. He can impose drastic ethical code and send insurrectionists Thomas & Alito straight to jail. Shame he won’t use it either way, he’s too honest for the times. Which makes him perfect for the job.
May? It's has already been damaged by the MAGA justices. They also have embraced Project 2025 and fascism. This Supreme Court is corrupt and owned by the fascist Billionaire class.