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White silhouette


That awkward moment when you are masturbating and your roommate walks in on you. You just lock eyes and not move. So you slowly continue, but they say . "Can you move? I need in the fridge."
It's odd that a place called the Economist should be more worried about the candidate convicted of FRAUD.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Andor. All puppies except for Andy Serkis and Denise Gough.
Being nice to Disney for as long as it takes to get in their good graces and as soon as I’m given a Star Wars show to run: BAM! All muppets
Friend: You should come on the trip. It only costs $4000. That's a great deal. Me: If I don't go I save $4000. Friend: You need to do more than just save. You cannot take it with you when you die. Me:I don't have it now. Not to mention take it with me.
I am broken. My friend was talking wanting a back tattoo of either an octopus or a crane. The first image my brain conjured was not the bird.
Came across this while cleaning up some old boxes. I wonder what is/was on it.
You're telling me that it is $56 billion to keep him around and cost nothing for him to leave. And you are not sure what to do?. Let me as you two questions. How is the Cybertruck selling What is the general public opinion of the Cybertruck?
How many years you think until we see the 'LLM/AI models failed due to low public acceptance and adoption of the product.' From various C-suite people to justify spending billions on something that is absolute garbage.
I could never be a sugar daddy. Aspartame daddy maybe.
The Cybertruck really is the modern version of The Emperor's New Clothes.
It's easy to clown on how shitty these LLM 'AI' things are right now. But remember huge companies are spending hundreds of millions on this stuff. When they have to finally accept that it is isn't going to work. Tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs to make up all the money they burned.
It is fascinating and depressing that all these multi-billion dollar companies have invested in LLM or "AI" and have little too nothing actual useful out of it. So they justify the investment my forcing it in to their products to justify the expense. Or they think it's great.. which is worse.
The warm weather reinforces that I am my dogs D.U.F.F.
I love that the Olympic committee believes that sex is ever going to be restricted by not having a decent bed.
it is time again for my favorite sisyphean story: olympics organizers attempting to put all of the most physically fit 18-30 year olds on earth under one roof and prevent them from fucking each other
‘Anti-sex’ beds have arrived at Paris Olympics — after horny athletes admit to orgies amid competitionsports.yahoo.com There'll be no lovemaking in the City of Love.
This is how the dinosaurs lived for thousands and thousands of years. By chopping down the trees and throwing them in the ocean.
I am The Lorax, I speak for the stock price
When people learn how much I weight they are surprised at how high the number is. I clarify that I don't look that heavy because most of the weight is my depression weighing me down.
"We intend to profit off your grief using AI." Fixed the title for you.
The current cost of groceries I cannot even afford vegetables to make steamed vegetables. So this weeks meals will be steam.
The odds of being simultaneously struck by lightning and hit by a meteor are lower than this project not having issues.
In case you missed it, bits of the brain implant have broken loose and are floating around in the dude's brain. They think it's because the surgery introduced AIR into the dude's BRAIN. I'm sure it'll be fine. arstechnica.com/science/2024...
Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chiparstechnica.com It's unclear what caused the retraction or how many threads have become displaced.
If you are a creative person and struggle with a name you made for being too obvious, simple or not exciting. Remember there is a letter in the English alphabet named Double U. What ever you have come up with is fine.
Or ya know save time by using Keyboard Shortcuts.
Zapp Brannigan sitting in the driver seat of his Cybertruck.
Troy McClure would totally drive a CyberTruck