
The Biden-Harris administration has been by far the best in terms of climate change, endangered species conservation, and science-based environmental management decisions. It’s not close. As a conservation policy scientist, I’d be strongly supporting them even if Trump wasn’t the alternative. 🧪🌎
The Biden Administration Has Reached Conservation Records in After three years in office, it is clear that the Biden administration is safeguarding public lands at a record rate; in the coming year, it must continue its conservation progress through community-l...
They should turn the doomsday clock back a few notches and specifically credit Biden tbh
Different org. That’s BAS not UCS but yes they should
The irony that it’s so good on climate science and yet so horrific on infectious diseases :/
anywhere I can see the list?
I appreciate you posting this. This is a top-three issue for me and it makes the bitter pill of voting this round a little easier. The need to do A MUCH better job at getting this information out there. I pay attention, and I didn't know this.
This stuff is all widely covered in the news. I would respectfully suggest that if you're saying "I pay attention but I didn't know this," that you are not paying attention usefully and should consider where you get your news from.
I think he’s saying that the Biden admin should be touting it much more loudly.
Trust me when I say that some folks consider themselves Highly Knowledgeable About Politics but have so utterly insulated themselves from viable and varied news sources that they literally don't see these kinds of things. They then turn around and blame Democrats instead of their own choices.
I'm said I pay attention, not that I am highly knowledgeable. I was never in any danger of voting Republican, they are horrendous and have been that way as long as I can remember. But let's not pretend that Democrats are good at messaging. They aren't. It's incredibly frustrating.
Is not so much that I don't see it in the news, it's that it just sort of comes and goes and gets eclipsed by other crap. And the traditional news outlets aren't doing themselves any favors when they give awful people such loud platforms. It's really ereoded trust.
Hearing about things like this from actual scientists has far more impact for me than reading any politician's statement or reading a news article. That is what I'm saying. I wish more scientists were better at communicating with the general public. It matters.
Right? The pro-union stuff too needs a much bigger megaphone.
I'm angry about a lot of things. Democrats are TERRIBLE about getting the message out effectively, and I mean on the front line through social media and such because no one trusts official channels or traditional news media any more. Actually getting the good stuff heard would go a long way.
You cannot force people to hear what they don't want to. The message is out all over social media. If you're not seeing it, that's because you're choosing not to follow/look at it.
My rep Marie Gluesenkamp Perez is campaigning on exactly what she should be to match my weird district.
Everyone just goes but look at the price of eggs
how many democratic politicians do you listen to
I follow a good number on the other site. I am also ABD on a PhD. I have higher than average reading and information comprehension skills. I also live in a deeply rural area and I hear the way they talk to and about rural people and they largely do. Not. Get. Us. This is not news.
Which specific electeds are speaking about rural people in an insulting or condescending way?
Same here! I’ve been dwelling a lot on the bad job this administration has done with Covid and it’s refreshing to have my attention brought to the good things.
Human rights and dealing with the systemic problems that give us billionaires. And, yes...I am aware that Dems are the only ones even a little interested in those things. My vote is not, and has never been, in question. But my faith in the system is at an all-time low, I'm afraid.
This is heartening to read. They have a real messaging problem though.
Oh damn, this is actually some remarkable progress!
He has surrounded himself with brilliant people who care, that makes him my choice as well. He may be old, but his brain is working just fine.