Blackbird Spring Farm

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Blackbird Spring Farm

She/her. Small farm/homestead. Starting from scratch with no budget. Not a trad wife. Flowers and fiber, and following the ND dopamine.
Aaaaaaaggghhhhh I think I just saw where a pair of Great Blue Herons is nesting, but it's too damn dark to see. I hope I don't lose track to check it out tomorrow. They flew in together, and one landed in the pond while the other circled back up into this single very dead tree.🪶
Look how beautiful this Black Knight centaurea is 😍😍😍🌱🌺
Just here to thank for their masterful integration of nonbinary characters into their world building. They're both unremarked upon and fully integrated into the world culture, and I adore it. More fantastic normalcy, please!
Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
I swear I was at a beach well-known here in Newfoundland for humpback whales because there's a super steep drop-off mere meters away from shore so they can come up incredibly close while feeding on capelin but all of my photos look fake as hell because it looks impossible 🌿
Just here to drop a thank you to for their masterful use of nonbinary characters in their world building. It's both casual and fully integrated and I adore it. I would so love to see more of this.
My white Rose of Sharon is full of native bees that areas instantly laden with pollen. Unfortunately, the Japanese Beetles also find them and I have to knock them off into a soapy bucket a couple of times a day. Worth it for a few weeks. Like everyone else, they and the earwigs are overachievers.🌱🌺
My Roses of Sharon are in full bloom. They've kind of brought me full circle on the native plant issue. These aren't native and can be invasive some places. But here, in my yard, they bloom an abundance of fresh flowers full of pollen every day and they are a boon in my agricultural wasteland.🌱🌺
Can we all repost the below to save my family?????!
I am Jamal from Gaza. I was living a quiet. I was about to graduate from the College of Software Engineering. Suddenly, without any introduction, I lost everything and everything was destroyed. This link is my only hope to save my life and rebuild it.
Are there any good bird ID peeps here? The other day, this pair of raptors flew over us, and I'm still learning my locals. They were good-sized, but not huge. Fairly high up over a soybean field with a pond bordered by woods. Possibly one juvenile learning?🪶🦅
iCloud Photos - Apple View, organize, and share photos and videos with iCloud Photos on the web. Changes will sync across your devices with iCloud.
Hubs and i just had a conversation about how the kids are wearing socks now. Apparently ankle socks are Boomer. My ND sensory apparatus gives zero fucks. Anything higher than ankle socks are a total nightmare unless I’m wearing boots. Fuck your fashion rules. Also, I guess we’re old now.
After telling someone to throw out yet another useless book of advice for neurodivergent people clearly written by someone who isn’t neurodivergent I have one tip re developing a habit w ADHD: make it really easy to implement. Kids dropping wrappers on floor? Put out more trash cans in those areas
My 3yo calls noodles “tiddles” and it’s ridiculously adorable, so that’s what we will call pasta forever now. I made a banging tiddle salad last night. Yep. We’re keeping that one.
if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
what i am saying is "don't say dumb things on the public internet that could theoretically be used to give authorities an excuse to fuck with you"
It is estimated that the total scope of reconstruction of the Strip will take anywhere between 40 and 80 years depending on whether Israel reimposes its illegal blockade and the degree to which its blockade is enforced. 40 to 80 years. If the war ends today, I will be 63 years old at the youngest.
Do people on here genuinely not get that more than 70% of Gaza City literally does not exist anymore. Are you people fucking stupid.
My SunFill Purple sunflowers are just opening! I love them! My timing is terrible! Will do better next year! About to see what I can pull together in a bouquet from my chaotic garden. It's definitely a learning curve. At least the garden prep will be dobe so I can actually get them in on time 🤦‍♀️🌱
Attacking gay folks and then still expecting to be selling into the goat market is an interesting set of marketing assumptions.
Sigh. SMDH.
Here's their statement if you don't want to go over to Twitter
The Beach Boys were better than The Beatles. Don’t believe the propaganda and revisionist history.
Donald Trump claiming that George Washington "probably didn’t” own slaves is a good opportunity to direct you to our extensive history of the slaves and indentured servants who sought to escape from him and the Native Americans who defended themselves against his attacks.
First Shirley poppies, from a cheap generic mix of doubles. I adore them, but haven’t really cracked how to grow them well yet. I started them later than I wanted to because of bed prep. Looking forward to next year, growing gray ones and black ones!🌱
Tonight's moonrise
I realize this is as close to futile as posting will ever get but just please be kind when you can to strangers on the internet. Everyone is going thru something offline. There’s enough dickheads floating around on here already. We don’t have to add to it. I’m going to try to go back to sleep now.
The bee balm is coming in…I picked up a bunch of mixed plants at an outlet sale to add to the 4 types I’ve been trying to grow with mixed success. Pretty excited to see what they are…I guess I’m a Monarda grower now 🤷‍♀️. Also excited to see if this stuff really helps keep the deer and rabbits out.
Full moon and headlights is the best time to mow 🌱
Wannabe wins the race for the second year in a row!
This half-sized buddy was poking around the gate to the back yard, so I mined him to the outside of then back fence. He’s only pretending, no was hurt or harassed on this occasion
i would like a leftism that is not fundamentally rooted in misery
Wow. Woke up to see all sorts of shit about and trying to take them down for what they do survive in our cesspool of a system. Y'all can guck right off with that. The whole system is rigged against us, and the are good people working in terrible places just doing their best.