Another Observer

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Another Observer

This is what it comes down to for me. And if people have non-public rock-solid data pointing to disaster, they should share it. Because right now, that's not what the data shows.
There is a lot of obvious downside risk with very uncertain upside. If you're down 15 or something, sure, go for it. That little upside is worth it, whatever it is. But we are not down 15!
Astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell was born #OTD in 1943. As a Cambridge grad student in 1967, she discovered an entirely new type of celestial object: Pulsars! In 1974 the Nobel was given to her advisor; she was left off. 🧪 👩‍🔬 🔭 Photo: National Science & Media Museum
Reading Project 2025, and ... JFC. There really are people walking among us who can type out bile decrying the "federal catering program" BY WHICH THEY MEAN SCHOOL LUNCHES and not spontaneously combust.
Trump was shot with an AR-15 by a 20yr old registered Republican while protected by Trump Loyalists in the Secret Service. There is literally no part of this story that works for them anymore & they have to spin as fast as they can & move on. This is 100% what it's going to feel like in three months
2024 is such an insane cycle that in three months we’ll all post “Remember when someone tried to shoot Trump? That feels like four years ago!”
There are three main aspects of the shooting that, to my mind, could impact polls (the election is too far out to predict the impact). And the media will have a hand in all of them. 1) a depiction of Trump as defiant and strong 2) sympathy for Trump as a victim And one not yet discussed much...
Completely agree. MAGA is trying to use this to silence critics, but it's a bluff. This incident was one of the GOP's own acting out what Trump has encouraged countless times. Violence surrounds Trump and his movement. This is the America Trump wants.
This is an effective message, mostly because it's true
Violence surrounds Trump. He bathes in it, does everything he can to turn the temperature up. His Project 2025 policies promote it. It's so bad one of the GOP's own took a shot at him and killed another, using weapons of war the GOP has fought to make available. This is the America Trump wants.
"here is People magazine telling its readers, without euphemism or equivocation, that Christian nationalists hold anti-majoritarian, extremist views, demonize other people to take away their rights, and are working towards an even more authoritarian Trump second term to achieve their ultimate goals"
He’s elderly and he doesn’t express himself as well as he used to, but the dementia/cognitive dysfunction allegations are clearly bullshit
Biden’s “president Putin” gaffe is ludicrously mundane when you watch the full clip.
There's video all over Xitter, you don't need to take anyone's word for it. He caught it immediately and joked about it with Zelensky.
From Delaney Dunne: The Euclid space telescope launched just over a year ago, and is already returning great science! In today’s bite, it’s looking at stars in the Perseus cluster that don’t belong to any galaxy. 🔭✨️
Euclid hunts down stars gone The Euclid space telescope launched just over a year ago, and is already returning great science! In today’s bite, it’s looking at stars in the Perseus cluster that don’t belong t…
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