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what power art thou who from below hast made me rise unwillingly and slow from beds of everlasting snow

I keep my online and offline lives separate. Academic, musician, writer, among other art forms. #nobridge
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
The famine isn’t in the news much now but it’s only gotten worse
Manufactured famine
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
If Faye Dunaway had a Lore-type evil twin, she'd be named Mortal Incompletenear
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
I guess when asked what I look for, the most succinct answer is 'not to feel I'm wasting my time and attention'
The passages where Genji raises Murasaki are quite chilling
That woman is me
Somewhere in the world there's a left-handed transwoman who struggled very slightly with buttoning shirts her whole life then transitioned and was suddenly like wait wtf this rules
Was amused that Suetsumuhana was considered physically ugly because the description given sounds very beautiful to me
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
Anyway, moral points aside if you let me take out either file sharing or consolidation of media corporations, I have very little doubt which one would help authors more. Clearchannel was fifty times worse for musicians than Napster was.
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
Watching useless liberal dummies like this jackass just fully abandon any pretense of sympathy for trans people is really nauseating
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
The most endearing thing about US culture is the mass synesthesia. All of you can taste colors and events! Nobody in Europe knows what “purple” or “birthday” tastes like.
Relatedly I really do wish I could organize a production of the Theban Tragedies
Sometimes I regret tuning out of A Song of Ice and Fire when it became a mass pop-cultural phenomenon.
Sometimes I regret tuning out of A Song of Ice and Fire when it became a mass pop-cultural phenomenon.
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
Sorry but assassination attempt lasts in the discourse less than 48 hours was not on my bingo card
On the edgy downtown scene
I guess now I suspect (of course, I could be wrong, but this is what I think is most likely) that Vance will be president by 2027
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
I also want to point out that Vance's whole "professors are the enemy" schtick came after he profited enormously from universities. Nowhere was "Hillbilly Elegy" pushed more than on college campuses. He cashed in with six figure speaking fees to talk about Appalachian poverty.
JD Vance has talked about emulating authoritarian Orban's gutting of academic freedom in Hungary
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
how people managed to make this place more miserable to post on than the site owned by elon musk should be studied by academics
To limit ourselves to recent American examples, Leonard Leo, the architect of the Federalist Society is a cradle Catholic and a Knight of Malta; I hate this meme.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
Incredible opportunity for people to ask her to sign their heads of lettuce
Like a harbinger of doom, Liz Truss has arrived at the RNC.
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
Michael Haneke predicted all this in Funny Games, but you didn't listen.
apart from the clearly disturbing, obvious horror of it, this is quite clearly 'jobs for the boys'
A fun fact about JD Vance is that he's openly backed purging anyone who disagrees with him from the government, comparing it to "de-Nazification," and illegally defying court orders to do so.
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
I keep seeing "Clarence Thomas took a luxury trip to Putin's hometown!!!!!" outrage and, sure, OK, yes, we know Thomas is corrupt as hell, but "Putin's hometown" is Saint Petersburg, hardly an unusual Russian tourist destination.
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
Trump is the experiment. America is a world-historical machine to produce guys like Trump. If there's someone who more perfectly captures the spirit of America, I haven't seen him on television being tacky and racist (so he can't more perfectly capture the spirit of America)
Guy literally had secrets in his bathroom, selling them to foreign nationals. Calls people to steal votes. Sends a mob to keep himself in office. This country pissing all over its history to bend over backwards for this guy? This is the guy we bring down the whole experiment for?
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
Every moment of every day, you should ask yourself: "Am I doing something of lasting value?" If you are, you should quit and engage in pointless status-seeking bullshit.
I really, really wish I'd planned my surgery before instead of squeamishly dropping it
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
its cool how after every bit of gun violence in America, every gender, ethnic, whatever minority prays that it's not from one of "us" because no one wants to talk about the political sources
I do wish Burke's comments on India were as well remembered as his on France
Reposted byAvatar Ingrid
wild living in a country where "this person had access to military grade weaponry" doesn't narrow anything down in terms of which sort of person could be responsible. Military veteran? PTA president? Disaffected tween? who knows
WASHINGTON (AP) — Law enforcement recovered AR-style rifle at scene of Trump rally shooting, AP source says.