wnwagner.bsky.social follows

Arthur Mandal
Arthur Mandal
Brit/US writer of uncanny fiction. Stories in The Barcelona Review, LITRO, december, 3:AM, La Piccioletta Barca,The Summerset Review, Under the Radar, Bending Genres and others. Chapbook with Nightjar Press. Based in Eugene, Oregon (but grew up in UK).
David Mercurio Rivera
Spec-fic writer, Arthur C Clarke Award and World Fantasy Award nominee, co-host of the Nerd Count Podcast, lifelong New Yorker, paddleball player, Yankees fan, Trekker, I Love Lucy aficionado, attorney.
Poppy Havoc - Thriller Author
Poppy Havoc - Thriller Author
Boy & Girl Mom

Get a FREE horror novella👇

Author of:
1. The Forbidden Tale of Tuskenvalle (2022)
2. Drop Dead Darlings (2023)
Reactor (formerly Tor.com)
Reactor (formerly Tor.com)
Science fiction. Fantasy. The universe. And related subjects. You may have known us formerly as Tor.com.

Hannah B
Hannah B
Writer, editor, producer, performer.
Making things and making things up for fun and profit.
William Beck
William Beck
Professional procrastinator & occasional author of fantasy, horror and sci-fi
Chad Gayle
Chad Gayle
SFF writer 🚀 [film] photographer 📷 New Yorker 🗽 Words in DreamForge Mag, Andromeda Spaceways, Inner Worlds, etc. ✨ Codexian 🌞 https://chadgayle.com/

He / Him

(Banner: signs crowded on 42nd Street at night)
Nalo Hopkinson
Nalo Hopkinson
author of prose & comics ("House of Whispers" in the Sandman Universe), maker of food and small objects she/her/hers http://nalohopkinson.com
M. R. Robinson
M. R. Robinson
mostly still on twitter! (i know, i know.) MR, she/her. phd in progress. first reader at Diabolical Plots / fiction at Beneath Ceaseless Skies / Viable Paradise 2024!
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
Chris Panatier
Chris Panatier
Writer/Artist/Some Third Thing
THE REDEMPTION OF MORGAN BRIGHT (2024), THE PHLEBOTOMIST and STRINGERS via @angryrobotbooks 🪓 short fic @ link 🪓 art @ link 🪓 Rep Sara Megibow 🪓 SFWA 🪓 HWA

Lance Schonberg
Lance Schonberg
Husband, father, writer, wandering ninja, menagerie inmate, undergraduate physics student. Lurking at lanceschonberg.com, sometimes even posting.
Father, trophy husband, streamer and reader. Check out gryftkin.com for upcoming author events. Check out https://www.youtube.com/@gryftkin for previous events and live interviews. Check out https://twitch.tv/gryftkin for the occasional gaming stream.
Zak Jarvis
Zak Jarvis
Artist, writer, extremely niche historian. He/him.
S. E. Wigget
S. E. Wigget
Fiction, fantasy, gothic writer. Queer, feminist, & supernatural. Substack: whimsicalwords.substack.com

On Amazon: Rowanwick Witches, Skeleton from the Closet, Every Day is Magical, Witch's Familiar 🌈
Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly
Freelance writer, Twitter refugee; coined the term "Same panic, different disco."
Justine 🖤 จัสทีน
Justine 🖤 จัสทีน
Those people they like blood, you know // Trans woman, horror fiction writer
Dr Kat Day (she/her)
Dr Kat Day (she/her)
Science & Fiction editor/writer. Chemistry PhD ⚛️ Writer: The Crash Course Organic Chemistry 🧪 Assistant Editor PseudoPod 🦑 Short fiction https://thefictionphial.wordpress.com 🖊️
Jeff Macfee
Jeff Macfee
Begrudgingly here which applies not just here. Despite my bad attitude preorder THE CONTEST, which drop Feb 25. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/774517/the-contest-by-jeff-macfee/
Eric Christensen
Eric Christensen
Dad, writer, cookie monster, dorkus malorkus. All puns intended. He/Him. eric-christensen.com
Arasibo Campeche
Arasibo Campeche
Biochemist and Author. Short story collection, Strained Sigma Bonds out now by Water Dragon publishing.
Santa Fe Writers Project - globally distributed publisher of fiction & CNF since '98. Subrights repped by Susan Schulman. Distributed by IPG. Find out more at sfwp.com
Morgan Biscup
Morgan Biscup
An Engineer by education and a writer by choice. (any pronouns)
I write Vazdimet - a space fantasy universe merging tech with magic. ✨🏳️‍🌈

Elly Bangs
Elly Bangs
Author of the apocalyptic cyberpunk novel UNITY, available in bookstores and libraries near you. Short fiction and more at elbangs.com. Queer and trans, mutant and low-level technopath.
Codex O'Healey Melcher
Codex O'Healey Melcher
Writer. Folklorist. Investigative Fabulist. Neuroqueer Kesser Vater. 🏳️‍🌈🦽
Lighthouse, Colorado Book Project | she/they
"ridiculously zesty" — Chicago Tribune ♣ linktr.ee/codexohm
Danai Christopoulou | Greek SFF Author
Danai Christopoulou | Greek SFF Author
Pushcart nominee ✨Rep: Lauren Bieker✨Latest ✍️: Fusion Fragment ✨Editor: khōréō ✨Poetry & Reviews: HavenSpec✨Assistant Lit. Agent: Tobias Literary Agency✨she/they🏳️‍🌈🇬🇷
Stefanie 🏳️‍⚧️
Stefanie 🏳️‍⚧️
Writes queer genre novels as Fox N. Locke.

A Designer Magick out now!

👉 https://a.co/d/5HtFnsG

AuDHD. Recently re-closeted trans woman (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️
Howard Tayler
Howard Tayler
Vaxxed & 4x-Boosted, He/Him, Husband to Sandra Tayler, Father of Four, #mecfs/#LongCovid, howardtayler.com, schlockmercenary.com, writingexcuses.com
Indigenous Editors Association
Indigenous Editors Association
Serving & advocating for Indigenous editors & storytellers. Tag us in your PAID opportunities for Indigenous people and we'll share!

Vinnie O. Kinsella
Vinnie O. Kinsella
A neurospicy queerdo living their best life in Portland, OR. (He/They) 🏳️‍🌈
Bisexual Kaiju
Bisexual Kaiju
29 year old Cuban-American writer. Lover of horror. Articles found on Signal Horizon and Unwinnable. Creator of Dark Intersections, the horror book review blog. (They/Them)

Eric Avedissian
Eric Avedissian
Author, English Professor & Word Slinger.
K8 Léchler (they/them)
K8 Léchler (they/them)
SFF writer, editor, lecturer living in Chicago. PhD in Brit lit, words in Podcastle, Shimmer, Fireside. 🌈💀 "Just like entropy tends towards chaos, I tend towards silly-little-guy."
Jonathan Newell
Jonathan Newell
Weird fiction, fantasy cartography, monsters, roleplaying games. He/him.
Alexandre Muñiz
Alexandre Muñiz
Math puzzles, choral singing, Irish and Morris dancing, SF, fantasy, and romance reading, shiny object collecting.
🍃Nunzio Santoro 🌈
🍃Nunzio Santoro 🌈
Lvl 38 He/Him bleeding heart liberal #LGBTQ+ Writer/Musician/Dog dad 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇮🇹🏳️‍🌈🐶
Lover of found footage #horror films, 80s/90s/00s pop culture, #dogs / #cats , #coffee / #matcha , Philip K. Dick, Fellini and Plato 🧐
Writing a #vampire novella🧛‍♂
Claire Willett
Claire Willett
Playwright. Chaos Muppet. Raconteuse. The internet’s gay Catholic aunt. Author of the time travel series THE REWIND FILES. Just a Virgo who can’t drive. http://clairewillettwrites.com (she/her) (PDX)
Carla B. Estruch
Carla B. Estruch
Spanish translator specialized in fantasy, science fiction, horror and queer narratives.
They/them ✨🏳️‍🌈
Pamela Dean
Pamela Dean
Has-been fantasy writer trying to finish that one book. Fond of gardens, birds, dragonflies, very amateur astronomy, books, and cats. She/her
Nathan McCullough
Nathan McCullough
Journalist. Editor. Writer. Guitar slinger. Horror fan. Movie buff. International man of leisure.
Jeff Soesbe
Jeff Soesbe
robot software engineer; writer of science fiction and fantasy short stories and plays; theater lover; bike rider and fitness fan; newbie seattle-ite and PNWer;
E.A. Petricone
E.A. Petricone
Still settling in/bridging from Twitter. I write strange things. eapetricone.com
Ramona Ridgewell
Ramona Ridgewell
Queer writer of vampire tales.
Two Hour Transport management team.
Catherine MacLeod
Nova Scotian writer of darkness. Sunburst Award winner. HWA. She/her.
Bleeding Edge Books
Bleeding Edge Books
Fiction that cuts to the bone! A small press that specializes in Horror and Dark Fiction anthologies and novellas. More info: www.BleedingEdgePub.com
Bayleigh Underwood | Comic gremlin| She/They | All about monsters, swords, and ink | email: [email protected] | http://Ko-fi.com/iceghost
Matthew Lyons
Matthew Lyons
Horror author. Monster Mash enthusiast. So very, very anxious. 🏳️‍🌈
Molly Templeton
Molly Templeton
I read, I write, and I pet cats. Columnist & more at Reactor (formerly known as Tor.com); publicist & more for the Ursula K. Le Guin Foundation. Once a bookseller, always a bookseller.
