S. E. Wigget

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S. E. Wigget


Fiction, fantasy, gothic writer. Queer, feminist, & supernatural. Substack: whimsicalwords.substack.com

On Amazon: Rowanwick Witches, Skeleton from the Closet, Every Day is Magical, Witch's Familiar 🌈
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Do you want to make a real, actual difference in the world and in your community? Help track down the list of empty homes being sold between shell corporations. I have a place to start :)
“The housing crisis has left homeless people sleeping in the doorways of luxury apartments, while hundreds of thousands of homes lie empty…Action on Empty Homes support communities taking over abandoned houses in their area, strong steps towards a rebalancing of access” - Isaac Bell Holmström
Community ownership and the anarchist path to housing - Freedom Newsfreedomnews.org.uk Construction is not the cure for the housing crisis, no matter what election promises claim
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Oh, hello, genderfluid author here. My GryphIns series is Wings of Fire—for adults!—with gryphons. If you love gryphons based on weird birds/mammals, fun animal facts, queer characters, and epic fantasy, Eyrie is free or discounted in most stores for the next month. books2read.com/rl/gryphonin...
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I don’t like to be indirect. So I’m telling you that I have active cancer and the health care workers refuse to mask. So for the fourth time in a cow I have come home SICK from CHEMOTHERAPY. You can’t tell by looking who is sick. It feels like I’m paying them to kill me. Please wear a mask.
That batshit Republifascist needledickbugfucker is projecting his misery on his scapegoats. We love being childless cat ladies, of course. #needledickbugfucker #misogynistsbecrazy #slimeball
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#Project2025 is Trump and Vance's 920 page manifesto for removing your rights and installing lackeys loyal only to Trump in government. #DefeatProject2025
"The New York Times deceptively edited a quote to make it appear that JD Vance opposes a national abortion ban. I don’t know whether to call this a massive fuck-up or malfeasance, but it’s really, really bad." --from Jessica Valenti's Substack: Abortion, Every Day
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It’s so frustrating — I just cannot get my idea landlord to come over and repair this leaky plot in my WIP novel. At this point it’s threatening to undermine the entire foundation of my main character.
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The Duke at Hazard is out on Thursday. Incognito duke! Disgraced gentleman! Regency road trip! Deceit! Gambling! Silhouettes! books2read.com/u/4A1xGA
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The Best of British SF/F Storybundle is live! bit.ly/465Gh8z 10 titles for just $20! Ft. Solaris' own Aliya Whiteley & @aptshadow.bsky.social, & inc. fabulous writers like Neal Asher, @lavietidhar.bsky.social, @starkholborn.bsky.social & more! With donations to @locusmag.bsky.social! Pls RT!
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Oh, it turns out I figured out what to do with all of my anger! It’s a huge, free essay on whiteness and boundaries and why I spent all of yesterday bopping white liberal racism on the head. www.patreon.com/posts/108254...
I’m actually still very angry about this and I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with it, but absolutely none of my coping strategies will include bullying white marginalized people because I’m actually interested in progress
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBluewww.patreon.com Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
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the Dems need to put out ad asking people what their favorite freedom is and then explaining how P2025 will take it away Freedom to read? GONE Freedom to teach facts? GONE Freedom to drink a beer and watch the game on Sunday? GONE
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Also, not for nothing, but the way this is worded they definitely think I should be put in jail for working for a publisher that has put out novels with trans characters and picture books for kids celebrating queer history
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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I enjoy reading about my interests. I read books about writing the same way I read art and history books. So, because I feel like it, here are six books on writing that I like. Mileage varies. I didn't say 'the best', so don't come at me.
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This day in 2016: Having mauled the slicker brush, Virginia sat back, satisfied with her accomplishment. #catphoto
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Protip: for any cis people who don’t already know, the phrase “this person” is an extremely obvious way transhobes often degender and/or misgender trans people. you should generally not use that phrasing. especially if you are criticizing someone who happens to be trans.
this person every god damn time
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Being trans means living with a history that’s been actively hidden from us. We didn’t just appear at Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in 1919 or Compton’s Cafeteria in 1966. Yet even as we try to find any future, we have to push against the full flow of cis, homophobic history to see ourselves.
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Tonight: #KidLitChat celebrates its 15th birthday! Hosted by @bonnieadamson.com @gregpincus.bsky.social, banner art on @kidlitchat.bsky.social by @boringstorybook.com. 🎉 Follow #KidLitChat hashtag (& add the hashtag to your posts) to participate. Great way to meet others in the kidlit community.
Reminder: #kidlitchat is turning 15 (!) this month! Join us at the regular chat time, Tuesday, July 16, 9 pm EST. We'll party like it's 2009!
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if we still had MAD Magazine they would’ve gotten him with “Hillbilly Allergy by JD Pantsed” four years ago and none of this would be a problem
I read a biography called Ida B. The Queen: The Extraordinary Life & Legacy of Ida B. Wells. The author is her great-granddaughter, Michelle Duster
Since it's Ida's bday today & I love her, a little story about collective action. A few years ago (2018), I learned about a longstanding effort to complete a monument to honor Ida B Wells. For over a decade, her great-grandchildren & others had been trying to raise needed funds.
This day in 2016: cats helping me make a smoothie #catphoto
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#Plunge me into the depths of your mind, let me see what you’re thinking and feel what you’re feeling. The journey back from darkness is long but you don’t have to take it alone. Hold my hand, let’s get out of here. #whistpr
A daily word & image by @whistberry.bsky.social meant to inspire any type of creativity. Share your art, original words, poetry, writing snippets, photos, etc. NO A/"I" please! #author #writing #art #WritingCommunity Tag your post: #whistpr Prompt for July 16, 2024: #PLUNGE
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This has 42 reposts and we’ve only gained 5 signers. Please take a second to do this if you live in CA. It’s important.
Speaking of, if you live in California, please text “Sign PGHZOY” and “sign PHQICF” to 50409 to encourage your reps to join calls for an independent investigation with public disclosure into allegations against BH city officials colluded with antiabortion extremists to prevent a clinic from opening.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion rightswww.yahoo.com The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
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please help🥲 i really don’t have the energy to keep at this and engagement has been really hard and ahhh i just need your support, either boosting or donating if you can! ♿️💕💸🏳️‍⚧️ £106.13
boosting with a fresh pic❣️😸 please help if u can🙏 i have several chronic illnesses and this prescription helps me manage mental illnesses and physical symptoms too.♿️🍃 £103/405 if u wanna help, please reskeet, quote or comment or donate! even £1 helps! thank you😩♥️ 💕💸 www.paypal.me/ashleapearso...
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one of my favorite causes to donate to does not *exclusively* support Black trans women, but disproportionately supports Black trans women because of the intersecting axes of oppression they exist within. tgijp.org is an organization supporting incarcerated trans people, and they’re wonderful.
Can anyone share efforts that specifically support Black trans women? They are the most vulnerable group to being murdered in the US.
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Strange Horizons was my first pro sale in sff and I never cease to be impressed with their expansive vision 😻
This is the last week of Hugo Award voting and we would like you to consider Strange Horizons for Best Semiprozine. For over 20 years, Strange Horizons has been publishing weekly issues filled with new stories, poems and non-fiction. Here are some more reasons you should vote for us below!
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And again, I must say, that if Black people took the approach to racism (an ongoing threat that kills millions of us every year, shortens our lives, ruins our opportunities) that some of y’all do for your oppression, we’d all be dead ages ago, or you would be.
It took all day and a tremendous amount of patience but eventually I got right back to the point: a Black man was doing liberation Wrong and had to be put in his place and be told that he isn’t good enough to make True Change, which will be evaluated by white people, naturally. Ok.