
These are extremely difficult, dangerous, and bad times, and simple fact is we didn't have to come to this; but we don't have to stay here either.
What if racism, wealth inequality and technology did make some version of arriving here inevitable?
Fun fact: All of those are things that could have been changed, as well.
My point is that those issues need to be addressed as part of the response. The wishful thinking of "return to normal" (without addressing the tough issues) is not an option.
The only certainty is that we won’t stay here. Events will keep moving quickly.
are you advocating for mass emigration from America?
No. “Here” is the conditions. We dont have to let them continue. We dont have to resign ourselves to the terrible or flee.
What's worse is that we're in serious danger of going further this way because the media will certainly convince some people to not vote for Biden because he stumbled on a few words on a debate. Fucking amazing that we're knowingly going to go to more fascism because of one guy stuttering.