
All is not lost. Don’t act like all is lost.
I keep telling myself (and my offline pals) that it's the first week of JULY, things have not gotten off the ground quite yet, etc. at the same time, it always helps me to hear someone else say these things--so thank you for always lending a little sanity to the rest of us.
The main problem is that Biden is not going to get any less old between now and then. But on the flipside, Trump could easily choke on a hamberder and die. Either one of them could stroke out at any moment.
There is a difference between a fact (Biden is old, Biden had a bad debate) and a narrative around a fact (Biden is senile, doesn't know what's going on, voters can't trust his judgment, blah blah blah). A narrative can always be changed.
"changing the narrative" is nonsense. people have eyeballs and earholes.
No, this is fundamentally incorrect (not just about Biden, but about everything). People see things and then spin them according to what they want to see and believe. "People have eyeballs and earholes" would have prevented Donald Trump from being famous, let alone the President.
Donald Trump is very good at being an asshole and it turns out a lot of people like rooting for assholes.