
Not that anyone is asking me, but I have no idea what the Democrats should do right now. All the options seem bad, and there isn’t one that seems less bad than the others. And as a professional opinion-haver, it’s disorienting to have no strong opinion about something so enormously consequential.
“Get united and work as a team” is the ultimate answer, obviously, though the question is how. I think they have Biden do his ABC news thing on Friday and if it goes well they get behind him and roll with him. But keep getting him out there, interviews and townhalls.
If the ABC news thing on Friday goes well then President Biden will be good for the next four-and-a-half years, right? Right?
Not necessarily!! But good enough to finish the campaign. I’m not very interested in seeing what four more years of trump would be like.
Presidents are like pets. They're not just for Christmas, they're for life. Or four more years, if we're being optimistic .
Reagan’s brain was mush well before he won his second term, and look how much evil he still accomplished! I’m not too worried
I'm amazed people actually think shadowy backroom dealings to dump a democratically-selected candidate is a good plan.
I don’t know if it’s weird of me but I legitimately couldn’t care less if Biden spent his second term just eating ice cream and wandering the halls of the West Wing all day. His team has served us well and they’re not evil fascists and that’s enough for me at this point
Unfortunately, understanding that the president does not rule America all alone (at least right now) does make you a little bit weird.
Even elected politicians act like he's the boss of America, solely responsible for the prices of goods and services, and not just the head of the executive branch
That's an infuriating thing up here too. Our politicians are always campaigning on issues that aren't even in their jurisdiction.
It starts in grade school. "If elected student body president, I will ban homework and ice cream will be free."
OK, but when I was elected student body president in law school my entire platform was "two free beers every 2nd Friday." And I made it happen. It's my legacy.
But, if the other guy is the president might rule America, all alone or at least in a very fascist manner
Hell, get through November and even work on a transition team that may take over during the middle of the term so we aren't scrambling a couple months before a convention and also staring down the GOP trying to ratfuck the ballot with deadlines. Get some time to build things up.
The lesson of Reagan tells us even a demented president can get shit done if the right people are in the room!
And Biden isn't even demented! He's obviously getting a up there, but 20 minutes doing poorly in a debate (where we can't forget Trump was spouting absolute nonsense and Biden improved as the night went on) and the NYT cheerleading for chaos has just broken peoples' brains.
Okay, I could do presidenting like this
I mean way less than ideal, but the die is cast.
Yep. If these people were serious about this shit, they would have been working to build a bench years ago, and they certainly would not have waited until July 2024 to start making plans.
OK, "Democratic insiders," if this is such a problem what the fuck were you doing for the last 3.5 years?
If Joe wants to spend his second term hanging out with his grandkids and playing with the (good!) dogs while occasionally putting someone competent in charge of things, that'd be fine.
The dogs are protecting him from sketchy secret service people.
Overheard. The alternative is so scary.
We need to start pushing the line that if you think Biden is too old and about to croak, then a vote for Biden IS a vote for Kamala.