
while i am at it, i don’t think it is necessarily true that a woman of color is predestined to lose a presidential election, but i think attempting it under these circumstances and in this time frame takes a bar that’s already higher than it has ever been and doubles it
Nominee Harris pleases maybe a third of the people who want Biden to step down
I've said from the start that if they really wanted to get Biden to step down, they needed to come out strong for her simultaneously and signal that they would rally around her. They pretty clearly showed that they wouldn't.
It doesn't bode well for the insistence on norms, ethics, and rule of law team if we're chucking out the VP for some personality, some messiah, some divine wind, some savior, etc. It's magical thinking.
And if the press wants to say that Harris is not viable because she's too unpopular, they might want to ask why that is and if they had anything to do with it.
Definitely, but that won't happen now or until years later. Similar temporal constraints and concerns on checking and balancing a king imo. No willingness to admit fault or error. Absolutism will be the death of us.
And if they actually had some divine savior, there'd actually be one name thrown out instead of a list of five or six people that basically says "I have no concrete idea, any white person will do."