Josh Putnam

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Josh Putnam

Political scientist specializing in delegate selection rules, presidential campaigns and elections. Founder of FHQ Strategies, LLC.
Yeah, that's the guy who was in part leading the faction of the Arizona delegation to suspend the rules at this convention and insert a replacement for Trump as nominee. ...until the Trump campaign scuttled the effort.
Arizona delegate Joe Neglia hopes to inspire a new fashion trend at the convention: the white piece of paper he taped to his ear to mimic Trump’s bandage from the shooting on Saturday. “I’m breaking new fashion ground,” the 63-year-old said. Follow our live coverage:
NEW AT FHQ Plus... 2024 Republican National Convention Roll Call Vote Analysis of the vote in Milwaukee to nominate Donald Trump
2024 Republican National Convention Roll Call Analysis of the vote in Milwaukee to nominate Donald Trump
TODAY is day 2 of the Republican National Convention 3 days until the Democratic convention Rules Committee meets 34 days until the Democratic National Convention 112 days until the presidential election
Would an early virtual roll call vote help Biden run out the clock? That is one way of thinking about the DNC's alternate plan to nominate a presidential candidate, but not the only one.
The delegates to the 2024 Republican National Convention just adopted the 2024 rules of the Republican Party by voice vote. [This is the baseline to which amendments can be made (prior to summer 2026) for the rules that will govern the 2028 GOP presidential nomination process.]
Reposted byAvatar Josh Putnam
The Democratic National Convention Rules Committee will meet later this week to decide on scheduling a virtual roll call vote on the presidential nomination. Some are interpreting that as an assist to Biden. Here's why that may not be the case.
Would an early virtual roll call vote help Biden run out the clock? That is one way of thinking about the DNC's alternate plan to nominate a presidential candidate, but not the only one.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Putnam
Did one about what conventions do, and what this one might say about the Trumpy GOP.
The Democratic National Convention Rules Committee will meet later this week to decide on scheduling a virtual roll call vote on the presidential nomination. Some are interpreting that as an assist to Biden. Here's why that may not be the case.
Would an early virtual roll call vote help Biden run out the clock? That is one way of thinking about the DNC's alternate plan to nominate a presidential candidate, but not the only one.
TODAY the Republican National Convention gets underway 35 days until the Democratic National Convention 113 days until the presidential election Democratic delegate selection finished over the weekend
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses
Reposted byAvatar Josh Putnam
TOMORROW the Republican National Convention gavels in 36 days until the Democratic National Convention 114 days until the presidential election Democratic delegate selection finished yesterday
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses
A few things on this one: 1) Bacon has provided a fantastic summary here of the current pushes and pulls within the Democratic Party coalition over the Biden situation.
The party can't decide. Or it can't implement its decision. Or there really isn't a "party"---just pundits and podcasters.
Opinion | Why we’re still arguing about whether Biden will The president insists he’s running. The news media say he might not be. Here’s why.
TODAY the last Democratic delegate selection occurs in... Indiana 2 days until the Republican National Convention 37 days until the Democratic National Convention 115 days until the presidential election
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses
Here's the thing: This is not the case. If things go as Brazile lays out, then Biden will go into the virtual vote with a big enough lead in the pledged delegate count for automatic delegates to participate. By rule.
Look, I don't have any special insight into what the president is or isn't going to do, but here is a deep dive on how the nomination rules intersect with Biden's decision making on staying or going.
Okay. Let's talk about the rules and this Biden There are party rules in place for a lot of contingencies but they only take us so far
Reposted byAvatar Josh Putnam
Welp, FWIW Biden nailed the good conscience clause answer. He's right: delegates are free to do what they want now. They don't need to be released.
2 days until the next Democratic delegate selection occurs in... Indiana 4 days until the Republican National Convention 39 days until the Democratic National Convention 117 days until the presidential election
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses
To be clear, I wholeheartedly agree, but... Thanks to the Ohio ballot access issue, the DNC has already laid the groundwork for something like this: the virtual roll call. That likely won't be "top secret". Nor was it intended for this use. But it could be. 1/
I don't have a strong preference on Biden because of how much uncertainty there is, but seeing stuff like this cross my path is going to kill me. I'm begging people to learn how parties work. You can't Aaron Sorkin your way out of this.
This is so spot on from Julia. I talk *A LOT* about rules, but the formal rules I often discuss only take this discussion so far. There are other factors at play as well. Good stuff. Recommended reading for the day.
Trying to stay out of the Biden internet debate, but wrote this piece about how the formal rules of the nomination process aren't really the problem. It's all about the informal rules
Opinion | Democrats can replace Biden. But it won’t be like anything we’ve seen Thinking through how it might happen requires looking at what the formal rules say, what the informal practices are and what the voters want.
3 days until the next Democratic delegate selection occurs in... Indiana 5 days until the Republican National Convention 40 days until the Democratic National Convention 118 days until the presidential election
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses
This is a longstanding line from that I thought about often over the weekend. And it is right on in his piece from today.
4 days until the next Democratic delegate selection occurs in... Indiana 6 days until the Republican National Convention 41 days until the Democratic National Convention 119 days until the presidential election
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses
Reposted byAvatar Josh Putnam
I'd like to add some historical context to the discussions around Project 2025. The discourse misses why Project 2025 is so important. As I write about in my book, Heritage has built something like Project 2025 for every election since 1980, but this time it's different. Big 🧵
5 days until the next Democratic delegate selection occurs in... Indiana 7 days until the Republican National Convention 42 days until the Democratic National Convention 120 days until the presidential election
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses
11 days until the next Democratic delegate selection occurs in... Indiana 13 days until the Republican National Convention 48 days until the Democratic National Convention 126 days until the presidential election
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses
12 days until the next Democratic delegate selection occurs in... Indiana 14 days until the Republican National Convention 49 days until the Democratic National Convention 127 days until the presidential election
2024 Democratic Delegate Selection The calendar of events that will select delegates to fill slots allocated to candidates in the primaries and caucuses