NH Woods Girl

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NH Woods Girl


Dancer in my heart, writer in my head, with love in my soul. The world is too much and I did nothing practical, apparently, to make it otherwise. If you need me you'll find me either ranting here, writing there, or being quiet in the woods.
Because it's my least favorite thing to do, patting myself on the back for having swept, vacuumed, and washed the bathroom floor along with scrubbing the shower enclosure, cleaning the vanity, sink, and baseboards. Emptied the litter box, washed and scrubbed it, and returned it to...
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First Bee Balm bloom of the season. 🥰
Some call it fear. I call it a reasonable concern for my quality of life the last fifteen* years I have on the planet. 🤷‍♀️😷 *Based on average US life expectancy. Individual results may differ. Terms and conditions apply.
I turn away from the screen in a fair number of today's action and horror movies. Physical damage too realistic. Reading #HorrorMovie by @paultremblay.bsky.social and even though I *knew* what was coming I looked away from the screen just before the words made it to my brain. 1/2
CW: extreme closeup of an insect. I searched for this critter online and it's possible this is a North American Wheelbug or nymph. The color isn't there but abdominal shape fits. Anyone have an idea what is sitting on the hair on my spouse's arm?
The String of Buttons succulent that I brought home in May has flowered! And now I know why it's called "String of Buttons." 😊
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It's too bad the 2nd Amendment dudes who swore they'd be the undauntable defenders of our democracy against attack by a brutal monarch turned out to be too busy denouncing rainbow plushies at Target.
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My first read: If a president commits crimes unrelated to him being the most powerful person in the world, he can be prosecuted. But if explicitly uses his powers to commit crimes, he is at least presumptively, and probably absolutely immune from prosecution. I mean, holy shit.
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A convicted felon is applying for the only job in the world that lets him do as many crimes as he wants.
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The Court has purported to strip us of all legal recourse for crimes committed by the most powerful person in the nation. Each and every one of us is now, effectively, at the mercy of an autocrat, who could order our death if he simply made the pretense of connecting it to his official duties.
Criminal law probably functioned as some kind of deterrent on abuses of presidential power, and that deterrent is now gone. But even if that weren't true, today's ruling would be an appalling display of contempt for the American people and for the basic principles on which this country rests.
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If there is no penalty for a president, then defense of democracy should occasion a meeting with the CIA and FBI to discuss the Supreme Court's lack of belief in democracy, their willingness to legislate against the Constitution, and the danger their candidate poses to our country.
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maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not
We've reached the age where we ask, fairly regularly, "Was that noise your [knee, foot, shoulder,etc]?!?!?!!" Invariably the answer is "yes."
Everyone talks to their animal companions as if they're human, right? So much so that several times a day you and your domestic partner ask each other, "Are you talking to *me* or to the dog?(or cat)" It's not just us, right? Right?
Is it too late for brunch, table for one? Everyone else is having a nap. I'm grateful for greens and basil from the garden. That basil bud is going to be an explosion of flavor, I may wrap a strawberry in that leaf with it.
Spousal unit said, "Never underestimate the amount of pent up rage in someone if you're going to kick things off." We call it the "Scut Farkus Factor."
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Emma's going through it, folks, if you can help out. Thanks. <3
Cash app is in the bio I can use all the help people can spare. Also on my Amazon wish list, uber cards would help the most right now. I had enough help to take this week off, but I'd like more time if I can. This all fucking sucks. I'm kinda falling apart today as is to be expected.
For the love of all that's good and holy, WHY do sport bra manufacturers put foam cups in them that can't be removed?! Because someone sweating through a workout definitely wants two sodden sponges sitting against their skin. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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sleeping in your own car: terrible, awful, destructive to society structuring your bribe so that it's COD: smart, brilliant, vital to our national fabric
Why yes, a fork *can* slide off the plate you're carrying into the kitchen, hit you in the leg tines first, and leave you bleeding all over the kitchen floor. Damn spider veins.
"Well. Yes. You owe me a trip. But after all these decades, do you owe me a trip to see *you* or a trip to where I can enjoy myself and you get to hang out waiting to see what happens?" I waited. This wasn't about now. This was about what happened back then. And I knew whoever spoke first....lost.
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L - New volunteer in the back part of the "garden." R - seed pods on a lupine. I think they're really cool and interesting looking.
We taught Cowboy that if he gets in the bag, then we'll take him outside. Now he hangs out in it hoping for an adventure. (Yes. This has spurred us kidding each other about who let the cat out of the bag. 🤦‍♀️)
I am just.... up. Occasionally I have a night where, no matter what, I'm awake. For my sanity, I call it a "re-set night." My go-to movies are "The Equalizer," Denzel Washington version, "Nobody," and "Mr. Right." Idk why these are my comfort movies. Any recommendations for something new?
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Finished and photographed with some backlighting to make the colors pop. Now to scrounge up some lunch and then get them listed at the shop 💜
This is a volunteer foxglove in my garden. Can be made into medicine but is poisonous otherwise. So why is it shown growing in a garden that belongs to a restaurant in "The Bear"? Rhetorical. I think they thought no one would notice. 🤷‍♀️
Also, why are we still calling these things debates instead of facilitated Q&A sessions?
Both of these assholes have been president already. Why are they even debating?
New leash and harness for supervised adventuring.