
I'm not being a dick here I can also say with statistical certainty that certain heavy caliber guns with a spin chamber, when spun, will spin with the single bullet on the bottom, with three empty chambers before it. I'm still not playing Russian Roulette with that information.
I can say with statistical certainty that who I vote for at the presidential level will not change any political outcomes.
I have to say, the efforts of the Republican Party in the US to convince left-wing voters that voting doesn’t matter have been astonishingly successful. The number of people on here who say their vote doesn’t make any difference . . . so autocracy it is, I guess?
It's not just that, and I say that strongly for those outside the United States. We, in this country, have had historically AND TO THIS DAY a very very real problem with voter suppression. So much so that North Carolina has not been considered a democracy for over a decade I think. So the point
My dad mentioned to me that he has never in his entire life waited in line to vote. I have several times: The times I lived in a Black neighborhood. The times I lived in a college campus neighborhood. 2020.
I’ve seen the maps with insane boundary lines too. It’s an extraordinary level of social engineering.
It's not just social engineering. It's also pure lawlessness. Ohio voted to amend our constitution to create a bipartisan redistricting process. The Republicans held close-door secret meetings, drew up an illegal map, ran out the clock on court orders to redo it and then used it anyway.
and the judges have basically gone 🤷‍♀️ about it, far as i know.