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If you haven't played it already, I'd strongly recommend Horizon Zero Dawn. Not exactly a little known game or anything but as someone whose all time favorite series is Zelda, it fucks. Also, the story and dialogue are actually pretty damn stellar.
Finally getting back to #theacolyte and I'm confident that the biggest issue with this show is that there aren't enough lesbian force witch communes. Seriously, though, loving this show so far and I haven't even gotten to episode 5..
That last bit of this article should be a part of every single Democratic candidates ad. The message here is that #Trump has started, and will continue, to push policies invalidating protections for most religions.
Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose In an interview with NBC News, Walters discussed his new Bible instruction mandate and the consequences for those who don't comply.
You're not wrong. Interest is what's at issue. Sure, someone living paycheck to paycheck COULD just pay the minimum, but they're going to get jacked up on that interest. Tom Nook is what capitalism would look like if it were properly regulated.
I just spoke to a woman who was complaining about it taking 20 minutes for an RN to get paper for the printer at the ER while managing to miss the fact that ERs are so short staffed now that they had to send a fucking RN to do it.
Nintendo has been pretty forthright about why they had stamina in BotW. With the "go anywhere" design, the game would've been effectively broken from the jump.
For all the shit talk of Nook, is there anyone here who wouldn't be hyped if someone walked up to you and offered you a zero interest home loan and basically said "ah, pay it back when you feel like it?" Tom Nook for HUD secretary.
I just assumed that Stellaris was an SSRI until I got to the space empire part and I remain unconvinced I was wrong.
I got high out of my mind and went to visit my island last weekend. I was fine about it until I found out my sweet baby angel Clay was sad.
Damn, Freddie gets it. I bet Shaggy's over there all "zoonks! Not all men!"
I worked for a health insurance a few years back. Business lunches were customary EXCEPT in my department because we health exclusively with municipal governments. Literal day one, I was told to never ever ever pay because of ethics rules. This is not hard.
The whole line indicating that some poor schlub in office might stumble into doing a bribery unwittingly is so fucking ludicrous that it could only have come from a court Clarence Thomas sits on. The manual for how to deal with gifts to government officials is literally one word and it's "don't."
Trying nothing, Mrs. McCoy's bouncing blue boy doesn't "try," he does.
It has been a whopping 13 months and change since we got a new video game starting Link. This is entirely ludicrous.
And that is the only correct answer. Like, has McCoy even checked to make sure that this is even safe to consume? I doubt that with him being too busy doing war crimes.
It seems that you've left out a key detail: The ice cream is her poop. She poops ice cream. There is canonically a mutant whose poop is ice cream.
Conservatives love to talk about a two tier justice system while ignoring shit like this. Dude assaulted multiple cops, helped lead a riot, exhibited absolutely no remorse at trial, and he still gets less time than a black woman who erroneously cast a provisional ballot.
‘It was our duty as patriots’: Indiana man sentenced for assaulting police during Jan. 6 Capitol INDIANAPOLIS — A Lake County man was sentenced Tuesday after pleading guilty to assaulting police officers during his participation in the Jan. 6, 2021 breach of the U.S. capitol. 73-year-old…
Oh yes, I can practically hear the little grey cells working.
Reposted byAvatar Jon
And now of course Nintendo is forcing you to play as Zelda as a way of erasing the traditional hypermasculinity of Link
Google did not disappoint me:
I saw someone on the Millennials subreddit complaining that music these days isn't as good as when we were kids and it aged me so rapidly that now I'm suddenly a member of the AARP.
"In my day," the bands that were in were Godsmack, Staind, Disturbed, and Hoobastank. I don't think there has ever been a worse era for music than "in my day."
As a rule, I am opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances. This has t changed, but this guy is about the closest I've ever gotten to saying "well then again..."
Watch me oxidize, I'll soon be rusted Driving a dumb car, a cybertruuuuuck
The irony of putting a guy named Rivers on one of these is not lost on me.
I feel so much guilt over the fact that I often wish my dad would pass. I adore him, but he's in the end stages of lewy body dementia and it's just so fucking hard to see him like this. It breaks my heart every time I visit, but I can't not, you know?
Wait until you get to the very occasional job that's easier than you expected. You'll spend the next eight months certain you fucked up somehow and it's all going to collapse.
Amusingly enough, hanging cabinets was one of the easiest DIY jobs I've done in 11 years in a 1902 built house. Generally, it's just figure out the height, find the studs and then run a length of lumber from the corner out. Pop the corner up on the lumber, screw it and next.
They also make hella good tools to speed the process along. I got something called a t-jak that's just a telescoping pole with a 12"x6" bit on top you rest the cabinet on and a clamp with a hole that you can use to join the cabinets together. I'd rather hang cabinets than paint of skimcoat.