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Finally getting back to #theacolyte and I'm confident that the biggest issue with this show is that there aren't enough lesbian force witch communes. Seriously, though, loving this show so far and I haven't even gotten to episode 5..
That last bit of this article should be a part of every single Democratic candidates ad. The message here is that #Trump has started, and will continue, to push policies invalidating protections for most religions.
Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose In an interview with NBC News, Walters discussed his new Bible instruction mandate and the consequences for those who don't comply.
I just spoke to a woman who was complaining about it taking 20 minutes for an RN to get paper for the printer at the ER while managing to miss the fact that ERs are so short staffed now that they had to send a fucking RN to do it.
Conservatives love to talk about a two tier justice system while ignoring shit like this. Dude assaulted multiple cops, helped lead a riot, exhibited absolutely no remorse at trial, and he still gets less time than a black woman who erroneously cast a provisional ballot.
‘It was our duty as patriots’: Indiana man sentenced for assaulting police during Jan. 6 Capitol INDIANAPOLIS — A Lake County man was sentenced Tuesday after pleading guilty to assaulting police officers during his participation in the Jan. 6, 2021 breach of the U.S. capitol. 73-year-old…
Reposted byAvatar Jon
And now of course Nintendo is forcing you to play as Zelda as a way of erasing the traditional hypermasculinity of Link
Lifehack: Do your crimes while it's raining and the cops will never catch you.
Reposted byAvatar Jon
many bothan spies died to bring you these five dollar footlongs
Reposted byAvatar Jon
my elderly Egyptian Uber driver happily informed me that he “supports the gays now” because he lives with a lesbian couple and “the husband lesbian is a better husband than I was”, happy pride everyone
I'm gonna cum, deal with it.
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Herman Melville on moderates, all the way back in 1857:
I spoke on the phone with a dude at work this week whose entire vibe could be best described as "father will hear of this!" Well, to him I say "HR will hear of this!"
Avatar okay, hear me out: a Hades theme park. Dude dressed as Skelly greeting you at the entrance, photo ops with Cerberus and Bouldy, a Lerny ride, and you think some of the Disney cast members are hot? Well, buckle up, folks...
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Reposted byAvatar Jon
"Great shot, kid! That was one in a million!" I just earned the Exhaust Port™ badge on my Disney x Tushy Interactive Bidet
I don't think I've ever seen an internet meme that was so very specifically directed at whatever the fuck niche it is I have going on.
same dynamic
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i love when people my age talk about how we used to all play outside instead of being glued to screens, but can also recite all of the disney afternoon theme songs by heart
Holy shit, guys, X-Men is cool again. As someone who started reading the comics because of the show, the fact that this one has wildly exceeded my expectations is wonderful to see. #xmen97
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Reposted byAvatar Jon
No. NO! Do NOT call the Waambulance for me. Do you know how fucking expensive they are? Call a Boohoober
Reposted byAvatar Jon
The nation of Colombia saw its moment to do the funniest thing possible
Fines are only punishments for poor people. Fuck the "optics," if the entire point is that no one is above the law, it's time to put him in time out at the county lockup until he can behave. #contempt
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Okay, hear me out #xmen bsky: Krakoa was founded based upon a system with only three laws on the books. It colossally failed because they thought a society could survive with all of three whole laws. Krakoa is a cautionary tale about how libertarianism doesn't work. Change my mind.
Reposted byAvatar Jon
It’s been said already but can’t be said enough that these same Texas troopers sat outside an elementary school pissing themselves and menacing parents while one guy with a gun massacred little kids. Real tough now though.
Reposted byAvatar Jon
"You have such potential if you'd just stop squandering it." "If I had just a fraction of your talent..." "The problem is that you never take anything seriously." The steady drumbeat of some statements leave stains on our souls that we'll spend our lives trying to wash away through punishment.
that “you’d succeed if you just cared and tried harder” line has done a whole lot of damage to ADHD people, I tell you what
Reposted byAvatar Jon
that “you’d succeed if you just cared and tried harder” line has done a whole lot of damage to ADHD people, I tell you what
Sometimes i wake up at 3 am in a cold sweat imagining someone saying, "if you actually cared you would have made it a priority" And then I panic set 17 more alarms for everything
Aside from how ludicrous the comparison is, we were still not allowed to do that when I worked for a health insurer doing business with municipalities. We straight up we're not allowed to pick up the tab for ANY municipal employee. It's not hard, Neil. #scotus