zkiaba️‍ ⚧️

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zkiaba️‍ ⚧️


shitposter for a living
the internet's first unethical trans girl (lying)
oh my god!! thank you to whoever just donated the balance of what i needed 🥹 the goal has officially been met, wow 🤍 i’m so grateful for all the support i’ve received from you all over the past two months. thank you for being a part of my journey :) 🫂
i’d pick either or then end my life
fruit thing, always. in fact, most fruit is best over/underripe. soggy potatoes are never fun though
rip founding fathers you would have loved watching billionaires argue about space travel while the rest of us debate if healthcare is a luxury
nobody shot trump, his ear just did that
trump is going to say he’s still alive because god wills it so and everyone will vote for him again
french toast is like if a pancake was a slice of bread
start an alcoholism journal; challenge yourself to a bottle a day of whatever you have in your stash and diarise the events that ensue
they said "drinking alone is bad for you" but how can it be bad when im having such a great time with my best friend, the bottle? cheers to another night of laughs and poorly thought out decisions
playing a game of survival by rent sharing with roommates. the prize is not being homeless and the contestants are people who leave dishes in the sink for weeks
have you considered that it may not be perimenopause and that you could, in fact, be carrying the son of our lord?
not very far at all, i was browsing portable solar panels people use for camping and a lot of people in the reviews said they use them to power their apartments and aren’t seeing the point in paying rent and utilities anymore
in a few days, elon musk is going to announce that space x is working on a ship that can fly people to the eye of cthulhu planet
i’m imagining a drag queen clark kent who people would genuinely not recognise out of his super drag
liking friends because of anything other than the jokes and liking friends because it’s ‘funny’ are two very different things. one is honourable and the other not
if freud were alive today, he'd have a field day with the fact that everyone’s deepest desire is apparently to get more likes on a photo of their lunch. we’ve traded oedipus for avocado toast and chipotle bowls
flying commercial is paying hundreds of dollars to be treated like a farm animal, except the farmer is an airline and the farm is 30,000 feet in the sky. enjoy your peanuts, though
food samples at the grocery store are the last bastion of true freedom. if i want to eat 17 tiny cups of sausage bites and pretend to be interested in buying, that’s my god-given right. capitalism at its finest
stand up comedians either have a netflix special or they get on stage every saturday night and tell jokes about airline food and dating apps to a crowd of 12 drunk people. no in-between
all minimum wage gets you is a box for a house and socks for dinner
the first guy who discovered cannibalism must have been in a famine like ‘whoa, wait a minute. what if we just... ate each other?’ and everyone else was like ‘dude, are you serious right now?’
i’ve always thought about something like this