
i’m just asking you to take a moment to consider this from biden’s perspective: most of the fundamentals still look good for him. he’s beaten trump once. swapping the nominee this late has never worked, and there is *every* reason to believe republicans in every contested state would contest it
anyone who thinks harris is gonna get an easy walk from the nation’s newspapers and editorial boards if she were to become the nominee is absolutely lying to themselves
While I don't think that swapping makes any sense, if it happens before the convention, how could it be contested? If the delegates all voted for Harris, what grounds would they have?
the last year has maybe overconvinced me that we should take absolutely nothing for granted if it gets to the courts
I mean fair, but if they're going to do that, they could also remove Biden.
Oh with the exception of Ohio of course. That is the one state where we'd be screwed.
I am worried the SC will toss out valid Biden votes
I'm not going to pre-worry about something like that. If they want to throw the election, they probably would have in 2020.
the premeditated coordination to fraudulently flip the election on every sector of the right this time makes me think it might turn out differently, and I worry Dems won’t be prepared and won’t fight back hard enough