
You can contact the Labour Party here if you would like to ask them why they are meeting with JK Rowling, who is on record denying Nazi crimes against trans people. You can also ask local candidates at their offices, on the doorstep etc.
Contact – The Labour We want to hear from you – here are the ways to get in touch.
To clarify: they aren't definitely meeting with her. This is because Rowling has demanded that Rayner apologise first for describing some hate groups as hate groups. But this is rather besides the point. That the party extended the offer in the first place is egregious.
They won't meet. Labour are not going to spend the few days before the election meeting with various tiny fringe groups just so they can maybe get one with Rowling at the end of it. It wasn't a serious agreement and she knows it.
Oh, I don't know about that. Don't underestimate this Labour Party.
Would be quite the achievement for at least one of the groups Rowling demands they meet...
"Keep Prisons Single Sex" doesn't even exist any more, they shut down earlier this year!
With a government that seems to be using The Thick of It as a guiding documentary, I would just as easily see them dressing someone in a t-shirt of this organization to attempt to appease the largest, richest TERF.
In which case Labour have *even more confusing* messaging, because why even talk about something you're not going to do when it all does is platform someone you don't care about and has no bearing on the outcome?
I’ve already spoken with the canvassers about trans rights, they absolutely need to hear support because otherwise the best they’ll do is shrug.
Not perfect but what I have said to them... Hi, My name is Helen and I am a 57 year old trans woman who's vote I will admit switches between Labour & Liberal Democrat depending on who makes best sense for me and those around me.
I was already going to contact you about how frightening your manifesto is to me as a trans woman, including keeping us segregated against the direct ruling of the Equality Act 2010, plus your acceptance of the discredited Cass Report... but now you are
talking with JK Rowling on trans issues on which she knows nothing but hatred. It's like calling in the KKK to talk about race issues and has left us trans people wondering if we have a place in the UK anymore. JKR and a number of your own MPs have openly talked about
trans people as something that should not exist, none of your members have been punished for transphobia and now you talk with the JKR a person so transphobic even Elon Musk recently told her to tone it down. To be clear if your transphobic manifesto is better than the certain demise we would
face under a Tory & Reform party coalition government... but that's not saying much. Anti trans media attention fuelled by stunts like this meeting with jk Rowling has given transphobia a gloss of acceptability which has directly led to
an all time high in hostility in all forms towards trans people. We have had a murder and now there is the cover up of 16 known suicides of trans kids since the removal of services. This actual bloodshed will only get worse unless
Thanks, it's ok-ish and a good basis others can build upon. I find when asked to comment on something even when it's a subject I care about, almost impossible when faced with a blank page. x
Funny story……. you can create any “name” as their external mail exchanger accepts fake and non existent email addresses. I hope nobody abuses this and also clicks subscribe when the message them 😁
Buddy in that picture looks like he's trying incredibly hard not to laugh in Starmer's face.
My candidate is on side, spoke to him a couple of weeks ago after I emailed him