Cocaine Owlbear

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Cocaine Owlbear

Husband, Veteran, puppy parent, uninformed commentator. I like cooking, role playing games, and some other stuff. Black lives matter, trans rights are human rights; he/him
Find me other places if you wanna with my Linkstack:
So not doing great today. Anyone have #WebComic suggestions a depressive can relate to without going full-on spiral?
I am putting out this heartfelt call: please, I beg of you, it’s important that everyone except me turn down the political temperature! It’s so crucial in these turbulent times for everyone who isn’t myself to watch what they say!! 💗
Do furries call us "smoothies"?
But while I'm here, I might as well do a reminder to folks that they should use #CamelCase in their hashtags - that is, capitalize each word in multi word hashtags. This makes them more screen reader friendly, and is helpful to folks with reading difficulties or vision impairment.
Today is a bad day. Not for any particular reason, just because my brain chemistry is fucked. I use the #ActuallyDepressive hashtag because I want to normalize discussions of brain health. But that's pretty hopeless, right? I mean, it's better than it was, but it's never going to be good, is it?
I feel seen.
I do, in fact, have a sunny disposition (distant, gassy, capable of causing great damage to anyone exposed to me for prolonged periods of time)
I realized that the breakfast place I picked was too expensive when I noticed they used cloth napkins. #Breakfast
And then the fascists won because the Democratic Party gorges itself on itself whenever possible.
Biden: "I'm staying in." Pelosi: "Well, you just need to decide." Biden: "I have decided." Pelosi: "Okay, but you should figure it out soon." Biden: "I'm staying in!" Pelosi: "Whatever you choose is fine." Biden: "I'm in!" Pelosi: "We can talk about it after NATO."
I feel morally obligated, in these trying times, to promote pictures of the cutest animal that isn't my dog, the red panda.
Daily red panda
Yeah, I'm #DoneAfterOne with #That90sShow. Not only does it perpetuate the weird belief that you need an apostrophe to talk about a particular decade, it's also just painful to watch. Let's let the studio audience sitcom die already okay? (Although the #OneDayAtATime reboot was *amazing*...)
Decided to try out That 90's Show on #Netflix and... is this what That 70's Show was like for people who were teens in the 70s? This... this hurts... Like, this is very painful. I was in the #ClassOf94, and this is actually causing me physical pain.
Decided to try out That 90's Show on #Netflix and... is this what That 70's Show was like for people who were teens in the 70s? This... this hurts... Like, this is very painful. I was in the #ClassOf94, and this is actually causing me physical pain.
It’s funny how gamebros think “game journalist mode” is a great joke when talking about easy difficulty settings - game journos were the first ones raving about Demon’s Souls. Also it’s played out. The “joke” is repeated like dozens of times in any thread about difficulty, like a weird obsession.
The best tweet of the day… no, the month. I really didn’t know that the neo-Nazis had these many sympathizers. If you are still wondering how millions of people perished in concentration & death camps, well, it starts with people like this guy. Yes, I’m saying it & meaning it quite literally.
Someone once told me they didn't understand why I felt like I had to be right all the time. That's stuck with me. I don't have to be right. I don't even really want to be. I just, you know, *am*. It's… it's a burden, guys…
Hunter S. Thompson warned us that the media falls apart when it can't call an evil person in power evil.
an ancient spirit lives in every grain of rice
Watching the new #Kong x #Godzilla movie and… if you just edited out every scene with human actors in it, the movie would be 500% better. Seriously.#MovieReview
As a general rule, I think one should try to live in such a way that when you die, people celebrate your life, not your death.
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
I'm not a Biden Stan so I say this completely without agenda: I agree he definitely doesn't have dementia. I was a CNA for 8 years and I've seen dementia. People saying that need to go volunteer for an elder care facility. He's just showing signs of his age because he's old.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record: I come from a country whose latest round of dictatorship ended in 1974, 2 years before I was born. One lesson I feel I can impart to my American friends is this. Buckle up kids, it's story time. 🧵
Those who can, teach. Those who can't, push educators aside and scam every possible dollar out of school systems.
Pride BEGAN during a time of anti-sodomy laws. The first Pride was a riot against those laws. Pride is celebrated around the world in places where it is much more dangerous to be queer than here. Pride is not dependent on being ALLOWED to be who we are, it’s a promise that we WILL be no matter what
I hope we all enjoyed our last Pride month in the US. Project 2025 will put an end to it
There it is: A position completely untethered from empirical evidence, as ridiculous analytically as it is dangerous politically, propagated by anti-liberal leftwing intellectuals who are solely animated by their disdain for “the Libs” and have abandoned any regard for accuracy.
For literally A DECADE we have been witnessing a powerful reactionary resurgence in explicit and uncoded racism (largely in response to the election of Obama). And yes, Trump has been the standard-bearer. But this sort of racism is and has been the mainstream for QUITE some time
Some mornings are hard. Some mornings feel impossible. If I can get past the first couple hours (one hour, sometimes one action, at a time), I can generally function the rest of the day. But those first couple hours sometimes feel like forever. #ActuallyDepressive
GEN X never stopped mocking Gen X. If you want to mock us, be prepared for us to be all, like, "You call THAT snark? Step aside, amateur" and then riff self-loathingly on ourselves for a solid hour
If it's any consolation, I never stopped mocking Gen X.