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Reposted byAvatar actioncookbook
And if you need some context here: California is the 5th largest economy in the world. Its electrical grid seems to be on a very short path to being 100% renewable. If they can do it—adding grid stability also!—others can too. If you're a climate doomer, let this brighten your sky today, just a bit
This news is incredible. 100 days this year CA's used 100% renewables to power the entire grid, & through a heat wave, there's been no significant disruption (cough *Texas*). Energy analysts are seeing a "phase-change" of the grid with the addition of 5 nuclear plants worth of battery storage, wow
okay but you’ve had years of training with those online
I don’t think there was ever enthusiasm for Biden, but I do think there will be enthusiasm for Stop Trump in November just as there was in 2020
yeah he’s not built for a sympathy vote, and a lot of normal people can’t imagine him being sympathetic if the tables were turned
see, I don’t buy that Trump is a stronger candidate now than in 2020. In 2020 he had recent stimulus checks to ride on, and he hadn’t done January 6th at that point.
July is not a real month and no one in the media seems to realize that!
it was always “they will move through the space like this—“ and i was always like “why? Because you want them to?”
yeah I think the ones who would get fired up exist in a state of perpetually-fired-up-ness but they’re not the entire party
I’m right there with you
I am toying with a “2024 Biden is 2016 Trump” theory on polling/electoral prospects he seems fatally flawed, the party is panicking, there are calls for him to drop, but he might be okay because so many people hate his opponent who has full control of their party but no juice
Reposted byAvatar actioncookbook
I like this. I'm going with this strategy. Voters are going to show up and reject fascism, reject abortion bans, reject authoritarianism, and I'll believe that until the final votes are cast. Also, there is a LOT of time between now and election day. Look at what's already happened this year!
I may be delusional. I dunno. It feels better to hold on to hope for the next 3-1/2 months; if I’m wrong come November it won’t feel any worse than being pessimistic and being right would. I just see the GOP in the position of Hillary not-going-to-WI/PA/MI confidence right now, and I have hope
It’s possible, but even more so than 2020 I still see people voting against fascism more than voting for Biden there’s going to be a lot of people unhappily voting for Biden who’ll still turn out and do it, and I genuinely think that’s not reflected in polling
I may be delusional. I dunno. It feels better to hold on to hope for the next 3-1/2 months; if I’m wrong come November it won’t feel any worse than being pessimistic and being right would. I just see the GOP in the position of Hillary not-going-to-WI/PA/MI confidence right now, and I have hope
Oh the November-January stretch is going to be ugly for sure
I think people get too comfortable here thinking everything here is on the level when it’s still just the internet
In architecture school, fellow students would always explain their designs saying “users will do [x]” without actually showing how the design would have said impact, and it drove me nuts I feel the same way about people thinking the assassination attempt will send voters to Trump show your work!
why do you think they’ll do that? what is the logic behind it? there’s none of that. Just baselessly-confident “they will do this!”
I have not watched and will not watch a minute of the RNC but I see a way-too-confident party taking a premature victory lap that’s going to blunder into a base-feeding final few months of the campaign They think they can’t lose, and they’re not going to hide the ugly shit they need to hide to win
I’m concerned by the number of people here unclear that this is an obvious joke
Incredible stuff.
I’ve been around a lot of normal (not terminally online) people the last three days and it only came up once in bemusement, it’s hardly a radar blip of news
you had your chance and you couldn’t do it
I nominate Carmen (it’s electric)
that’s not what you said about him privately
even then you could probably just fake it
I’ve used this company multiple times and I’m definitely not doing that anymore, they can get fucked
STICKER COMPANY CEO: You know how our business model relies on artists and other small-time creative people using our printing services? STAFF: Yeah CEO: What if we burned that all down?
(to be fair I have not used them in a while and had unsubscribed from their emails after earlier rumors the founder was MAGA, but I hadn’t seen such a clear point put on it until now)
you just needed Coach Huggins to sort them out at their next practice