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Univ of Cincy alum, UIC MPH. Bearcat transplant in sparty country. Bourbon. He/Him/His
Wait. Wait. Wait. The repub big mouths are attacking amber rose (slut shaming her) and attacking a Sikh leader for praying Sikh prayer for speaking at the RNC. How perfect
Reposted byAvatar Trenton
The teamsters union president’s speech at the RNC was perfect.
Last day of work before being up north for 4 days with the wife kid dogs and in laws. Is it bad is almost rather stay home than travel while he’s going through sleep regression?
They literally posted that the Seine has more above acceptable levels of E. coli days than at or lower acceptable levels… so I guess have fun with the diarrhea?
Over half a century after the Seine was declared biologically dead, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo dipped into the river on Wednesday and declared it sufficiently clean for Olympic swimming competitions.
Paris mayor swims in the Seine, declares it clean for the “It’s pure happiness,” Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said, having fulfilled her pledge to clean up the Seine before the Games. Now officials hope it stays that way.
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Project 2025 has hit TikTok, Instagram reels and is slowly leaking into Facebook. The more it’s talked about the more awareness it spreads. People don’t like it and don’t want it. Spread the word
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
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if 4 of y’all happen to have an extra $20 laying around, it would be really great to finish off the calculators
My bf is a math teacher at an underresourced high school in New Orleans - any help with school supplies for this year appreciated. He can’t count on kids even having pencils & also wants to create a welcoming and supportive learning environment. Any help appreciated!!
Check out my list on
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Catching a Republican in a logical contradiction is so pointless. It's like showing a cat incontrovertible evidence that they have been fed already. They don't care. It didn't even register to them that you were speaking.
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JD Vance career trajectory: 1. Writes book calling poor whites lazy and irresponsible 2. Becomes Silicon Valley venture capitalist 3. Wins Senate seat with $15 mil from Peter Thiel by telling poor whites the 2020 election was stolen and immigrants are coming to kill them 4. Vice president!
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Two posts in a row in my timeline
Nice view of the Michigan state capitol walking to my office
Rhinestone cowboy for the opening of the allstar game is definitely a choice
Reposted byAvatar Trenton
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Why the hell aren’t the Dems using things like this and also pointing at Texas and saying SEE SEE green energy works privatized doesn’t. Green good green = more money
Some nice copy here …apparently California now has batteries roughly equivalent to 5 Diablo Canyons (in capacity, not run time…)
I guess I never realized that my dad’s whole side of the family coming from Crooksville Ohio and him himself being born in West Virginia gives me Appalachian roots. This explains so much
There are varying definitions of which places belong to the cultural region of Appalachia. None of them include Republican Sen. J.D. Vance's hometown of Middletown, Ohio.
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The media really needs to stop reporting on Amazon Prime Day as if it is a culturally significant event and not a company holding a sale.
Anyone with a brain (most don’t work in politics) could see this coming a mile away
H-O-T-D-O-G-S I like hotdogs they’re the best
It is great seeing how many people loathe Vance
But if he gets elected and the blue collar people lose money they’ll just blame Biden. Even when they’re making more they blow it on new trucks with an 8% interest rate that get 15 mpg, new campers, an extra family trip to Florida for their 3-5 kids. Then say “that damn Biden took all our money!”
The claim that Trump “ushered in economic populism” & “downgraded the importance of country-club Republicans while prioritizing blue collar workers,” not only reads like an RNC press release, but is belied by Trump’s record (tax cuts for the rich, an anti-labor NLRB, support for wage theft, etc.)/3
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Drump is 6’3 cosplay hillbilly Vance is 5’7 yet somehow they’re closer in height on stage. My conclusion Vance who loves the Smokey eye is definitely wearing platform shoes and is a small step from drag
I feel like Savannah is aging backwards. She had those three children raised/is raising them doesn’t miss games and looks like she’s 25 now. Absolute queen
Savannah & Zhuri watching Bronny
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Chicago deep dish tornados aren’t real tornados, they’re wind soup.
That isn’t even a real tornado in Chicago. It’s a casserole tornado.
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I appreciate the well wishes but y’all need to calm down. It’s just multiple tornados while I’m stuck on the runway in a regional jet. Big deal. I’ve slept with white men. Waaay scarier.
The plane has stopped swaying for the moment so that’s probably good. I need another double vodka cran. The flight attendants are busy trying to calm each other. Cowards.