Adam (he/him)

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Adam (he/him)

Politics before her province....
She didn't actually accept the help this time until after I posted that. It was only an hour or so ago that she finally accepted help
It's accepted now. Her typical pattern is to reject help
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
one way that $$ in politics is corrosive is that if pols have to spend so much time talking to rich people to get donations, their entire social milieu changes, and eventually the rich people's opinions become the pols' opinions by osmosis. this is so accepted in left circles its almost trite to say
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
In presidential elections there’s the question of “would you want to have a beer with them?” Well, maybe Kamala Harris’ best answer to this query is that her husband’s first wife is out there defending her in public.
This is a really lovely tribute both to Kamala Harris and to blended families generally
that's the goal. To remove people from the list so he looks better for re-election.
Isn't that why some hangers have notches?
Look, compared to the serial child rapist running with him fucking a couch is one of the things I care least about. (although his supporters might be turned off and that's a good thing)
Us: Sarah Palin was the worst VP pick ever. JD Vance: I fucked my couch. Us: We stand (‘cause we’re definitely not sitting anywhere in your house) corrected.
She has a genetic connection to a slave owner centuries ago.... Trumps father was a member of the KKK Elons father owned slaves. Which is more recent and of direct consequence?
"Kamala Harris is descended from a notorious slavemaster!!!" Yes. Most Black people with century-plus family history in this hemisphere are. Would you like to try and guess why?
Alberta: Our crops are struggling Smith: Climate change isn't real! AB: We're running out of water Smith: gives more water to oil companies AB: Our power grid is failing Smith: bans all forms of green energy AB: we're on fire! Smith: I've cut millions from the fire budget
Trudeau offers help: Smith: rejects it Also Smith: These fires are the Liberals fault, they set them intentionally to try to prove the climate change isn't real. But we won't fall for that hoax. That's why the feds refused to help us and didn't send the military to help.
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
The linked post on anti-trans policies in AB, SK, and NB shows pretty clearly how Canadian conservatives are using the same con as US abortion bills & immigration law - writing absolute laws and then pretending there’s exceptions to them, because everyone assumes there must be.
Roundup post: Desperately latching onto a narrative #cdnpoli
As yes, eliminate a program proven not to impact prices (but a conservative talking point) Eliminate a tax that doesn't apply to most food products (but a conservative talking point) And encouraging government to increase demand so they can increase prices more. Good plan 🙄
And never ever ever applies to conservatives, even the most extreme ones
Is it weird when wealthy people make posts asking people to donate for their kids to attend something they can easily pay for? Like, if the kid is doing to learn life lessons awesome. But when the parents are doing it for them?
Isn't it great how all the people campaigning for re-election here in HRM suddenly seem to have the ability to fix all the things they failed to fix in their last 2/3 terms?
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
Centrist (n.): One who will always give the right the benefit of the doubt and always ask the left for its sources.
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
The city of Halifax is a massive embarrassment to the concept of good governance. Spring Garden Transit-only pilot is dead. My latest for The Coast:
R.I.P. Spring Garden Transit-only pilot, Dec 2021 - July Municipal planning that encourages citizens to abandon hope for the future
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
Tips from #WinWithBlackMen call: 1. Do not share or respond to negative tweets about Kamala, it only amplifies negativity. 2. Only share voting/election information from trusted news/local-state government sources 3. Be wary of misinformation 4. Be wary of misinformation
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
This is a huge, huge problem that needs to be addressed urgently
Halifax Police (and Halifax in general): Doing just enough to appear to make progress. While actually just waiting until nobody is watching to go back to doing nothing and changing nothing. Oh, wait, we got caught again. Let's order our 84th consultation/study on that and do it again...
Mainstream media: "More indisputable proof of Bidens corruption. His son actually respects him."
Wish I have a sun like Hunter. #ThankYouMrPresident
When reached for comment most Republicans replied "my children only talk to me when they need money, bail, or help covering up a crime"
Don't worry, it's rigged for positive feedback, greater need in rural areas, and does a good job of avoiding real issues. Despite all that they will take the results, call for another expensive study, then ignore all of it and do nothing.
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
I wish the left would learn who their actual supporters are.... and it's not corporate donors and billionaires.
Every time i see a headline like "kamala harris raises 50 million in one day" i am reminded that dems don't need big donors nearly as much, they just prefer them
pesky little things like Logic, facts, science, truth and the law have never played a role in how the right thinks
Reposted byAvatar Adam (he/him)
A whole lot of people who were previously unfamiliar with the word "misogynoir" are about to learn it real soon.