
Avatar This is why Minnesota refusing to give back Virginia's 28th Battle Flag remains the right decision.
We’ve still got your flag, assholes
It’s far from the only component at play here, but obsessions with bloodlines and the honor of ancestors who you never met is usually really warping (and weird).
Especially from people who claim to be Christian d
The people who should be running away from the ideology and actions of their ancestors the fastest are always the ones with the most idolatrous ancestor worship cults
Look, it's about heritage, not hate, a heritage of hate. DAMMIT.
"free country" we should never have ended Federal supervision of the treason states. Disband, outlaw, let the territory be absorbed by new states that swear to uphold Const. Amend. 13-15. Put the capitals elsewhere. No pardons for Confederates. Put a bounty on em. etc.
I’ve said it before, every commissioned officer, every man who took an office with a federal analog, and every elected official who voted for secession should have been hung and had their entire estate seized.
Yes and. I don’t believe in punishing the children for the sins of the father. I do however believe slaveholders owe direct reparations - and enslaving societies as a whole owe them too. In favor of those hangings I suppose - although I disapprove of death penalty as it exists now.
I’m a strong opponent of the death penalty, but there are few crimes greater than open secession in the name of chattel slavery and this is one of the only situations I can imagine in which there would have been an actual zero chance of a mistake being made.
i would want precisely enough due process to make sure that such officers, and only such fighters in the cause of treason in defense of enslavement, were the ones so dispatched. that is mercy. that is just. that is fair.
Look, if you signed your name to secession papers that mentioned slavery (which ALL of them did) then you should've hanged. If you accepted a commission from an army which was in open rebellion to the United States in the name of slavery, you should have hanged. 1/2
Relatedly, naming things after people is dumb.
This is my absolute take too. I don’t care who it is. Stop naming stuff after people.
the Mr Mittens Public School sounds fantastic
Unless it’s really silly names
Racists need to be called out and shunned. And voted out of office whenever possible!
Or deciding maybe they want to live or locate their businesses somewhere else.
School board members celebrate history of industrial rape by people with whom they claim kinship
Just be glad they didn’t rename the schools “The 2020 election was stolen High School”
Covfefe High School Q Drop Middle School WWG1WGA Charter School
I had an art assignment to paint a civil war general, and I chose Sherman, because anyone who had burned that town in Georgia where I lived for a couple of years to the ground could not be too bad.
For a minute, I was thinking he'd burned two places where I'd been (worked in Hampton, VA, for 15 years), then remembered that, no, that's the place where they heard that the Yankees were coming and burned it all down themselves, to show 'em.
I judge that school board and Lee and Jackson all to be stone cold losers.
I mean, it's a "free country" but when you are talking about public buildings maybe there should be some rules?
ah but see, they demand respect too, and will exercise whatever power they have to get it without principle
School boards, generally speaking, should not honor traitors. I await the foundation of the Benedict Arnold high School.
The school names, changed almost 4 years ago, lasted nearly as long as the confederacy itself
But Adam, some people felt ostracized. Shunned even!
Here in this sleepy, Confederate flag-draped Virginia hamlet, the sense of economic anxiety is palpable.
Shouldn’t they be banning confederate books or something, feels like that would be more ‘murican
If you don’t become a racist, you won’t feel bad about people hating racists. see, possible good use for their book bans if they wanna ban anything, confederate stuff
Oh, make no mistake. They’re going to be gloating all the way to that bank. The idea that the Republican Party and the GOP can be shamed with their abhorrence or by pointing out their hypocrisy is at best disingenuous and at worst complicity. Srsly f these goons and their late-stage capitalism
Not a good idea. We should try to get better; not get worse. Changes for Democracy, Liberty, & the betterment of our shared Freedom.
I endorse curtailing freedom on matters pertaining to the US Civil War.
Bringing back Reconstruction should be an option for communities that fail to accept that the United States won the Civil War & passed the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments.
Honoring traitors who fought against the US Army is crazy. You have to wonder if those supporters really like this country or not.
And this is why we can't have Critical Race Theory in our schools.
This is awful of course, but if some rival of the Stonewall Jackson school named itself after the 18th North Carolina regiment, that would be the only Confederate name I could get behind
This is as much about racist parents and grandparents trying to keep their kids and grandkids from moving away from their shitty rural community by tattooing “white power” on their transcripts and resumes
Embarrassed to live here. They kept the confederate flag, why impose this garbage on the kids?
It says the name change will be funded through donations. Those donors names should be made a matter of public record.
I think what we need is not more confederate named schools, but maybe a Caitlyn Jenner or a Chris Mosier high...