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Avatar here’s some Cooper to catch you up! Poor boy had his teefs cleaned and a mass removed on his side so he’s not feeling so hot. But he’s got this stylish T-shirt in stead of a cone - so he’s still handsome!
Major product enhancement I lead goes live tomorrow AM. First of its kind within the suite in years. So of course, today I have the worst case of food poisoning of my life and cannot truly rest.
I’m honored to be my brother’s sister He was a great man. He touched so many lives. So much to celebrate - I think I’ll take the rest of my lifetime to keep on doing it…
Todays my brothers first birthday since he passed I am drunk. At a bar. With his best friends. We have shared stories for 3 hours. Be the human that has so many stories, so many deeds, that you are celebrated year after year and the well never runs dry.
Reposted byAvatar Aeghani
Unique wall art seek new homes. ☺️
I love the sounds of the coyotes when I’m laying in bed at night I do not love the sounds of coyotes real close by but just out of sight throughout my entire night walk with Cooper. Including the hoooowllll from my backyard as we got home. But now that I’m safe inside? WILD PUPPYYYY DAWWWW
Recipes snagged from ! Forgot to dust the Tajin on the meringues before they went in the oven, womp womp. They need work (I need practice) but they’re freaking delicious. Pie will be sampled sooooon.
Apparently despite being able to make near flawless macarons, meringue cookies will take at least one more attempt 😂 BUT the “totally not eating raw egg white” lick of the batter was REAL promising on flavor!!
Cooper is enjoying his new snuffle mat!!
Yesterday was fantastic. Morning started with spreadsheets/analysis, continued on to amazing product innovation, broke something in Prod (in a good QA way), and turned a janky project into an elegant scalable and revenue generating solution. And today I’m still buzzing and proud Happy Saturday!!
Hurt my back like an old person and the pain is just incredible. On day 2 now and it’s just screaming. Contemplating if I can do today’s presentations if I take an edible… And if that’s actually worse than being-in-lots-of-pain presenting? How bad could it be…?
This Reddit post mentioned, as well as the spidering out to OPs prior post history is a WILD ride for a Sunday evening read.
a guy posted a video on the dog advice reddit asking why his dog might be so skittish at night but in the background of the video his wife is sleeping fully face down with her glasses on and every single comment is about that instead
Cooper just had full outside zoomies for the first time! Rambunctious and running around like crazy. Even grabbed his leash for a gentle tug of war a few times! Little boy is coming out of his shell!!
I think the most amazing part of finally being diagnosed and treated for lifelong ADHD is that I just have days of peaceful happiness and elation. I am really happy with my life, even when it’s hard. I don’t obsess over the bad and I can just live in the moment of the good. It’s a great feeling.
Amazingly, Cooper is unbothered by fireworks. We even took a long walk around the neighborhood to see a glimpse of all the fireworks shows happening and he was just vibin!
Morning sandwich inspection!
Had the best-worst day at work yesterday. Got screamed at over something that wasn’t at all my fault - but was suddenly my problem. My entire engineering team rallied around me, then my boss and her boss called me to laaaaaaugh at the person yelling and commend me for my work.
Cooper got his first bath since the shelter today. 🐕🛁 He was not a huge fan HOWEVER he did not scream and melt down at all which might be a first in husky history.🏆 He needs at least one or two more to help with the fur detangles and get the rest of the shelter funk but we are well on our way!!
Reposted byAvatar Aeghani
You need this today. For morale.
This dog continues to be absolutely adorable and 100% husky
The bad part about routines with ADHD is any stress or slight alteration results in “wait DID I do that thing today? Or was it yesterday?” This is especially hilarious when it comes to “did I take my meds today?”- the thing that helps my brain think well Back to timer cap pill bottles it seems 😂
Dreading this work day, but let’s rip that bandaid off!
This dog is so precious. I can’t post the goofball rolling and flailing in the grass until BlueSky updates to allow videos - but as hard as it may be to believe you’ll just have to trust me that this was not the best moment of the walk
There is no greater feeling than seeing a shelter dog truly PLAY and find joy for the first time since he came home. My heart is so full
I was always convinced I couldn’t foster a dog because I’d immediately always want to adopt them. Cooper is incredible. A unicorn of a husky. Chill and social and friendly. No food thievery, loves naps, loves kids and dogs. Doesn’t pull on a leash. But I can already tell I am not his forever home.
I was super proficient in DOS as a kid as it was the only way to play the games we had on 5-1/4” floppy disks.
My college registration was done by standing in lines and hoping there were still spots available in the class you wanted when you got to the front.
I bought one of the silver swirly ones pictured here recently and it is even more stunning in person that the photos. Nora does incredible work, I’ve bought few pieces now and I’m just blown away each time by their craftsmanship. Highly recommend their work!
Hello internet! I'm restocking at Nora Reed Designs today, so if you've been waiting on atomic stud earrings, amethyst or malachite spiral necklaces, either of the rainbow leaf designs, or either trans pride blob design they're fully stocked up.
2 hours until I get to welcome this boy home!!!
24 hours until dog The rescue worker that has him until then has been texting me non stop photos and videos. My heart is so full and I cannot wait to meet this sweet boy