
Also! Remember to mold your nose piece to fit your nose. Gaps equals more possibilities of exposure!
While we’re talking about masks again: a reminder that these hellaciously infectious strains do not give af about your little cloth mask and scoff at your ear loops. If you are flying or going to crowded indoor spaces get yrself a headstrap N95 with a moldable nose bridge. I like 3M Auras.
Whenever people say “I caught covid even when always masked!!” before I panic I remind myself not everyone wears correctly. Saw so many photos over summer of art peers doing conventions with “high quality masks” but wearing them so loose and not molded around nose. Better than nothing but still 🤦🏼
Yeah and a lot of them eat in restaurants & what not, too. Or have behaviors they don’t realize are risky or think the risk is worth it. 😕 I have learned to take the statement with a grain of salt, for sure.
This a million times. “I always masked” turns into “well except when I was eating of course… at that crowded indoor restaurant” “well I had to drink… at that cocktail party” 🤦🏻
Yeah my parents used this one for a while but took pictures everywhere unmasked. Turns out they were masking only in like grocery stores. 😐
Yep… it’s why I don’t believe “I’m still taking Covid precautions” but I will listen to “I’m still taking precautions, here they are, these are my favorite masks, the last thing I did around a lot of people was… (whole long paragraph)”
I got Covid after quarantining for three years to go to my partner's mom's memorial. I was wearing a mask, and some people weren't. If I hadn't been vaccinated, I wouldn't have been able to go because of my immune system. I'm so glad I had that vax and paxlovid.
I’m so sorry. What an awful way to get it. So sorry for your loss, too. 🫂
Thank you. I'm going to take a second to preach. She passed from cervical melanoma. You can get the lesions anywhere. So please wear sunscreen and make sure you are getting screened everywhere! Don't skip GYN appointments for those who need them. If something feels off pay attention!
Definitely an important reminder. 💜